2024 Donations
- Doris Lee – 1974 Yearbook
- Adam Sheets – 2 items – Happy Hearts School, Church photo
- Susan J. Bishop & Jay Jackson – school photos (Wheelersburg), Lindsay Elementary photo, New Boston M.E. Church 1937 Photo
- Adam Sheets – 5 items – 1 book, 1 catalogue, 1 Caroling Book, Security Central National Bank Tip Book, Mart Glynn Day of Burial Book
- Marcia Murray Holstrom – 19 items in total – Ohio Sales Tax Stamps
- Adams Sheets: 1 postcard, 2 Muzzle Blasts Magazines, First United Methodist Church Pamphlets
- Patricia Wagner Parsons: Mt. Joy Christian Church Record Book
- Grace Martin: Emmanuel Methodist Church Pamphlets, book, and postcard
- No donations this month.
- Ellen Horsley – Mercy Hospital Memorabilia
- Paul O’Neill: Key to Portsmouth (1 in total)
- Tom Adkins: Marting’s Box (1 in total)
- Melinda Horsley: Mercy Hospital Nursing (multiple items)
- Aaron Euton: Memory Makers Material (multiple items), in memory of Lois (Howerton) Euton
- Peggy Smalley Ruggerio: Washington High School Items (multiple items)
- Nancy E. Cael: German Magazines (multiple items)
- Anonymous- Masonic Lodge book
- Tim Thomas- “John Thomas, Jr.. and Alice Marie Shivley”
- David R. Harris- 3 boxes of Riley and Arthur family history and photos
- Gary E. Coburn- 1937 flood ephemera
- Paul O’Neill- Portsmouth Whistle bottle, Chero-Cola bottle, and Allen Chapel 150th Anniversary pamphlet
- Seth Worstell- 1955 bound volume of Portsmouth Times
- Richard Marting- 3 family books and documents
- E.S. (Butch) Stall, Jr. and Charlie Bayless- Elmer Sword’s collection of misc. items
- Patricia Austin in her brother’s name, Bernard Robert Synk- Roy Rogers Trading Cards
- David Brigner- 1942 Minford High School yearbook (PDF)