Category: Policies

Behavior and Conduct on Library Property Policy

Rules for Public Behavior and Conduct: To maintain an atmosphere appropriate for work, study, and enjoyment for all Library patrons and staff, the following policy on behavior in the Portsmouth Public Library and on Library properties has been established. The policy will be courteously, but firmly, enforced by library staff....

Borrowing Policy

Obtaining a Library Card All persons who wish to borrow materials from the Library must obtain a library card. The library card must be presented each time materials are borrowed. A picture ID may be accepted in lieu of a library card one time before a replacement card will be...

Display, Exhibit and Bulletin Board Policy

The Portsmouth Public Library provides displays and exhibits throughout all library locations to highlight new materials, reintroduce existing collections and stimulate interest in library resources, services or programs. Selection of Displays or Exhibits Library displays and exhibits are planned, organized, and/or implemented by a designated committee. The committee is composed...

Educator Card and Collection Policy

The public library is a community institution serving a wide range of organizations, interests, and age groups. Schools and students are an important segment of the community. With a goal of making contact between educators and the public library more effective, the Scioto County Public Library will provide a card...

Internet Safety Policy

It is the policy of the Portsmouth Public Library to use technology protection measures in an attempt to: a)  Prevent access to or transmission of inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of electronic communication; b)  Prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; c)  Prevent unauthorized online...

Meeting Room Use Policy

The primary purpose of the meeting rooms at all Portsmouth Public Library locations is to provide facilities for library related activities. Needs of the library for the use of the meeting rooms take precedence over use by outside groups. As a community service, the Library makes its meeting rooms available...

Patron Access to the Internet

The Portsmouth Public Library (PPL) provides public access to the Internet through the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN). Misuse or abuse of Library computers or Internet access may result in suspension of Internet access privileges including a one-week suspension for the first violation and permanent suspension for a second...

Petitioning or Soliciting on Library Property Policy

I. POLICY Soliciting or circulating petitions for signature inside any Scioto County Public Library building including meeting rooms is prohibited. Soliciting or circulating petitions for signature outside of the Library, or on Library property at a distance of twenty-five (25) feet or more from doorways, is considered free speech and...

Privacy Policy

Minors are advised to get their parents’ permission before providing any personal information online. Forms on this web site may require users to provide contact information. Contact information is only used when a staff member needs to reach the user regarding a submitted request. When a page is requested from...

Programming Policy

The Portsmouth Public Library supports its mission of connecting people with each other and the world by offering creative, fun and educational services by developing and presenting programs that provide additional opportunities for information, learning, and entertainment. Programming is an integral component of library service that: Expands the Library’s role...

Public Records Policy

The Scioto County Public Library’s Records Custodian is Paige Williams, Director. The Record Custodian can be contacted for any public record questions or requests. The Record Custodian can be reached via phone at (740) 353-5990 or via email at Openness leads to a better-informed citizenry, which leads to better...