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Calendar of Events
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3 events,
D&D and Games
D&D and Games
Join in learning and playing Dungeons & Dragons with us! If that is not something you enjoy we also have computer gaming and board games today as well.
Halloween and Dia De Meurtos Diamond Art
Halloween and Dia De Meurtos Diamond Art
Celebrate two holidays in one with this gem of a program!
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Go on epic adventures and battle deadly foes in the 5th edition of this popular role-playing game. All levels of experience and skill are welcome! Join the fun from 5:30 – 7:30 in the Meeting Room. Ages 18+.
5 events,
Bookworms Storytime
Bookworms Storytime
Join us for an indoor Trick or Treat parade at this special storytime! Wear a costume if you want and Trick or Treat the library after our storytime ends! Learn to become an independent reader with Miss Hailey as we venture into silly stories, fun songs, crafty activities all while...
Wheelersburg Story times!
Wheelersburg Story times!
Bring in the little ones for story readings, songs, crafts, games, activities and more!
3 events,
Wiggleworms Storytime
Wiggleworms Storytime
Miss Kasie’s Storytime is perfect for toddlers that are ready to learn to get their wiggles out before listening to fun books read aloud to them! Music, dancing and of course books! You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Wednesday at 11:30am during active Storytime...
Pumpkin Decorating
Pumpkin Decorating
Join us on the Bookmobile at Miller Manor to decorate a pumpkin with feathers and stickers galore!
Computer, Switch and VR
Computer, Switch and VR
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
2 events,
Roly Poly Storytime
Roly Poly Storytime
Join us for a special Trick or Treat parade inside the libray after this storytime! Join Miss Stefanie at the perfect playtime for your little bundles of joy! Music, dancing, and reading are essential to your baby’s development so don’t miss out. You and your little ones will enjoy this...
Anime Club
Anime Club
Talk about your favorite series, make a craft, try a snack or drink, watch a series, win a volume of manga and more. You never know what the club has in store! This FREE program is for ages 13-18 and runs from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting Room.
4 events,
Family Sensory Story time
Family Sensory Story time
Children’s Program - Family Story time with Sensory Play. Join us as we read, play, and craft together. The program begins at 11:00am and lasts about an hour. For more information, call the South Webster Library at 740-778-2122.
Free Day Friday
Free Day Friday
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
Fiction Book Group
Fiction Book Group
Fiction book group meets at 4pm in the Quiet Room at SCPL Portsmouth Branch. Book Selection: The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young.
2 events,
Gallery of Goofy Gobblers
Gallery of Goofy Gobblers
Help your turkey escape the dinner table by creating a clever disguise! Dress your turkey as a character from your favorite book to help him evade the hunter!
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Go on epic adventures and battle deadly foes in the 5th edition of this popular role-playing game. All levels of experience and skill are welcome! Join the fun from 2:30 – 4:30 in the Meeting Room. Ages 18+.
0 events,
3 events,
Anime Club
Anime Club
Talk about your favorite series, make a craft, try a snack or drink, watch a series, win a volume of manga and more. You never know what the club has in store! This FREE program is for ages 13-18 and runs from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting Room.
Button Art
Button Art
Teens are invited to create fun masterpieces using sewing buttons of different sizes, colors, shapes, and designs! All supplies will be provided. If patrons have any questions, they are welcome to contact the Wheelersburg Library at (740) 574-6116.
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Go on epic adventures and battle deadly foes in the 5th edition of this popular role-playing game. All levels of experience and skill are welcome! Join the fun from 5:30 – 7:30 in the Quiet Room. Ages 18+.
6 events,
Wheelersburg Story times!
Wheelersburg Story times!
Bring in the little ones for story readings, songs, crafts, games, activities and more!
Bookworms storytime
Bookworms storytime
Learn to become an independent reader with Miss Hailey as we venture into silly stories, fun songs, crafty activities all while we learn together and build skills necessary to start Kindergarten! You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Tuesday at 11:30am during active Storytime sessions!
4 events,
Wiggleworms Storytime
Wiggleworms Storytime
Miss Kasie’s Storytime is perfect for toddlers that are ready to learn to get their wiggles out before listening to fun books read aloud to them! Music, dancing and of course books! You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Wednesday at 11:30am during active Storytime...
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
Teen Dungeons & Dragons program
Teen Dungeons & Dragons program
Dungeons & Dragons Teen Program at 4pm—We provide the character sheets, dice, D&D books, and snacks—you embark on the quest. For more information, call the South Webster Library at 740-778-2122
3 events,
Roly Poly Storytime
Roly Poly Storytime
Join Miss Stefanie at the perfect playtime for your little bundles of joy! Music, dancing, and reading are essential to your baby’s development so don’t miss out. You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Thursdays at 1pm during active Storytime sessions!
STEM: Oobleck
STEM: Oobleck
Is it a liquid or a solid? Join us today in the Meeting Room at 2:30 to make Oobleck and find out for yourself!
Yarn Pumpkin Garlands
Yarn Pumpkin Garlands
The cutest little decoration to hang up in your house this fall! The event will be Thursday, November 7th, 2024 at 4:00 P.M. in the Copley Room at the main library location. Ages 8-108. Space is limited! Please register in Local History or call 740-354-5304.
4 events,
Family Sensory Story time
Family Sensory Story time
Children’s Program - Family Story time with Sensory Play. Join us as we read, play, and craft together. The program begins at 11:00am and lasts about an hour. For more information, call the South Webster Library at 740-778-2122.
Free Day Friday
Free Day Friday
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
Tweens – Lego Fun
Tweens – Lego Fun
Tweens are welcome to join us during this program to share ideas, be creative, and have fun building with Legos!
1 event,
Book Bash: A Book Character Costume Party
Book Bash: A Book Character Costume Party
Hey Kids! We want to see your best book character costumes!! Create your look at home then come show it off at a party with other book nerds! Play party games, walk in a costume parade through the library, and enjoy some book-themes snacks. A panel of Library Staff will...
0 events,
0 events,
5 events,
Teen Craft: Shrinky Dinks
Teen Craft: Shrinky Dinks
Join us for a fun afternoon of gaming and crafting. Watch with wonder as you create your own shrinky dinks in your style! 2:30 in the Meeting Room.
Around the World in a Day
Around the World in a Day
Grab your suitcase and get it packed for a journey around the world! At this interactive Library program, kids will learn about geography, weather, cultures, and landmarks as they plan their itinerary, gather supplies, then sail away on an adventure that spans the globe.
Everything Wood Crafter’s Choice
Everything Wood Crafter’s Choice
Wheelersburg Library is offering Adults ages 18 & up a crafter's choice with different types of wood crafts. There is no cost for this program, however, we do ask that you call 740-574-6116 to reserve your spot as space is limited.
2 events,
Computer, Switch and VR
Computer, Switch and VR
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
Indoor Forestry
Indoor Forestry
Join us at the New Boston Library and create your own forest fairy! Enjoy nature themed games that help you learn about the green world around you. All children are welcome! This program will be on November 13th at 4:30p.m. For more information, please call 740-456-4412
4 events,
Page to Stage
Page to Stage
Join us from 2:30 – 4:00 in the Meeting Room to get a little act-ive. We’ll be playing fun theater games aimed to prepare you for the stage. This FREE program is for ages 13-18.
Harvesting Knowledge Through STEM
Harvesting Knowledge Through STEM
Tweens and Teens, mark your calendars! The OSU Extension Office will be at the New Boston Library with a program called Kitchen Science. You will get to cook for you and your family during this program. Attendees will learn how to cook a meal while learning about kitchen safety and...
Consumer Protection: Senior Scams
Consumer Protection: Senior Scams
Seniors (age 60 and up) are particularly vulnerable to fraud and scams, however many incidents likely go unreported. Learn about the latest scams targeting our senior population, and find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones. The presenter will be Ryan Lippe, a Consumer Educator with the Ohio...
1 event,
Free Day Friday
Free Day Friday
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
3 events,
A Novel Idea Book Group
A Novel Idea Book Group
Free reading event. A Novel Idea Book Group meets monthly at The Loft Coffee Company and Roastery. For more information call 740-354-5688 or visit This month’s selection: Dancing on Broken Glass by Ka Hancock.
Hibernation Party
Hibernation Party
Our puppet, Mr. Brown Bear is going to hibernate until Spring; help us give him the best send off! Come dressed in PJs or comfy cozy stuff fit for a party about a long winter’s nap. We will have snacks, learn about hibernation, enjoy games and “bedtime” stories with all...
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Go on epic adventures and battle deadly foes in the 5th edition of this popular role-playing game. All levels of experience and skill are welcome! Join the fun from 230 – 4:30 in the Meeting Room. Ages 18+.
0 events,
5 events,
Pumpkin Shadow Box Craft
Pumpkin Shadow Box Craft
Adults participating in this craft program will be using fabric pumpkins to create a fall pumpkin shadow box with a 3D effect!
Anime Club
Anime Club
Talk about your favorite series, make a craft, try a snack or drink, watch a series, win a volume of manga and more. You never know what the club has in store! This FREE program is for ages 13-18 and runs from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting Room.
Cup Coaster Painting
Cup Coaster Painting
Tweens are invited to decorate cup coasters using stickers and paint pens! All supplies will be provided. If patrons have any questions, they are welcome to contact the Wheelersburg Library at (740) 574-6116.
3 events,
Teen Craft: Pocket Yahtzee
Teen Craft: Pocket Yahtzee
Create your own Yahtzee game on the go. We will provide dice, the tin, a pencil and score sheet and you can challenge friends and family to a game of Yahtzee anywhere.
Pumpkin Decorating
Pumpkin Decorating
Join us on the Bookmobile at Ashley Corner to decorate a pumpkins with feathers and stickers galore!
Adult Painting Class
Adult Painting Class
Adult painting Class. We will have We will have painter's choice. You will come in and choose what you want to paint. There is quite a collection of items you can choose. The class begins at 5:30 p.m. There will be very limited available seating, please stop in to pre-register....
1 event,
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
4 events,
Tween Turkey Rock Painting
Tween Turkey Rock Painting
Tween Craft at 4:00pm. Turkey Rock Painting. Gobble til you wobble! Come to the library and enjoy painting your very own rock turkey! For questions call the South Webster Library at 740-778-2122.
Teen Movie Night
Teen Movie Night
Join us at the New Boston Library for the featured film, Garfield the movie! This free event will be on November 21st at 4:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. If you have any questions please call, 740-456-4412.
2 events,
Free Day Friday
Free Day Friday
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
Sensory Story Time
Sensory Story Time
Children are welcome to join us at the Lucasville library to enjoy stories, songs, movement and play in a sensory friendly environment!
1 event,
Library Babies
Library Babies
Bring your baby to the library for active and sensory play, socialization (for parents and babies) as well as fun that helps your kiddo develop a lifelong love for learning!
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4 events,
Anime Club
Anime Club
Talk about your favorite series, make a craft, try a snack or drink, watch a series, win a volume of manga and more. You never know what the club has in store! This FREE program is for ages 13-18 and runs from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting Room.
Turkey Placemat Craft
Turkey Placemat Craft
Children are invited to the Wheelersburg Library to create an awesome turkey craft for the Thanksgiving table. Impress your family and add flair to your dinner!
Teens – Game Night
Teens – Game Night
Teens are welcome to join us at the Lucasville library for a fun afternoon of gaming with a variety of board games and card games available to play.
2 events,
Teen Craft: Catapults
Teen Craft: Catapults
Join us at 2:30 in the Meeting Room to make a catapult to keep. You will use simple items to build a working catapult that can send small thing soaring!
Use pony beads to make a beautiful harvest decoration! Kids ages 6-12 can create personalized corn cobs and play turkey-themed games!
1 event,
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Computer, Switch and VR Gaming
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
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1 event,
Free Day Friday
Free Day Friday
Come play games with friends on our gaming laptops, Nintendo Switch or try out one of our Oculus Quest systems. You can even bring your own system to play. This free program is from 2:30-4:00 in the Meeting room for ages 13-18.
2 events,
Crafty Artists Group
Crafty Artists Group
Get crafty on a Saturday afternoon and get ready for the holidays. Join us at 2:pm in the Meeting Room to make a holiday garland to hang at home!
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.