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Week of Events
Wheelersburg Story times!
Wheelersburg Story times!
Bring in the little ones for story readings, songs, crafts, games, activities and more!
Family Storytime
Wiggleworms Storytime
Wiggleworms Storytime
Miss Kasie’s Storytime is perfect for toddlers that are ready to learn to get their wiggles out before listening to fun books read aloud to them! Music, dancing and of course books! You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Wednesday at 11:30am during active Storytime...
Roly Poly Storytime
Roly Poly Storytime
Join Miss Stefanie at the perfect playtime for your little bundles of joy! Music, dancing, and reading are essential to your baby’s development so don’t miss out. You and your little ones will enjoy this Storytime that occurs every Thursdays at 1pm during active Storytime sessions!
Book Bash: A Book Character Costume Party
Book Bash: A Book Character Costume Party
Hey Kids! We want to see your best book character costumes!! Create your look at home then come show it off at a party with other book nerds! Play party games, walk in a costume parade through the library, and enjoy some book-themes snacks. A panel of Library Staff will...