black & white scanned image from publication.
Images shown: Tracy Park with Soldiers' Monument, Chillicothe Street looking North from Second (2nd) Street and Grand Opera House Building at the corner of Chillicothe and Fourth (4th) Streets.
black & white scanned image of the publication.
Image includes, Sixth (6th) Street M. E. Church, Government Building (Old Stone Post Office) and City Building facing the Gallia Street Esplanade. The Cogswell Fountain is at the right behind a utility pole and the Gogswell Lion(now at S.S.U.) is in the open space between the trees.
black & white scanned images from the publication. Images shown:
Professor W. R. Graham, Interior of Business College, Heer Brothers advertisement, (John Heer and S. A. Heer)
scanned front cover of the publication. Images of Portsmouth's industry during this period.
Cover shows date, cost, volume and has handwriting of Mary D. Pursell in upper right corner.