Browse Items by Tag
- "Buck" Biser
- 1040's
- 10th
- 10th Street
- 11th street
- 125th
- 12th Street
- 1412
- 15th Annual Pioneer Days
- 17th Street
- 1800s
- 1810 House
- 1833
- 1846
- 1850
- 1851
- 1856
- 1858
- 1864-1865
- 1865
- 1866
- 1868-1869
- 1868-69
- 1869
- 1872-1873
- 1873-1874
- 1876-1877
- 1878
- 1879
- 1880
- 1881 - 1882
- 1882
- 1884
- 1884 Flood
- 1886-1887
- 1887-88
- 1892
- 1894-1895
- 1895
- 1897
- 1899
- 1900
- 1901
- 1903
- 1904
- 1906
- 1907
- 1907 Flood
- 1908
- 1908-1909
- 1909
- 1910
- 1910-1911
- 1911
- 1912
- 1912-1913
- 1913
- 1913 flood
- 1914
- 1914-1915
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1920's
- 1920s
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- 1930's
- 1930s
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1936.
- 1937
- 1937 flood
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1940's
- 1940s
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1943-1944
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1950 Blizzard
- 1950's
- 1950s
- 1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1958 Church Newsletter
- 1959
- 1960
- 1960's
- 1960s
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1968-1969
- 1968-69
- 1969
- 1970
- 1970-1971
- 1970-1980
- 1970-71
- 1970's
- 1970s
- 1971
- 1971-1972
- 1972
- 1972-73
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1978-1979
- 1979
- 1980
- 1980-81
- 1980's
- 1980s
- 1981
- 1982
- 1982-1983
- 1982-83
- 1983
- 1983-1984
- 1984
- 1984-1985
- 1984-85
- 1985
- 1986
- 1986-87
- 1987
- 1987-1988
- 1988
- 1988-1989
- 1989
- 1990
- 1990's Highland
- 1991
- 1991 Christmas Luncheon
- 1991-1992
- 1992
- 1992-1993
- 1993
- 1993-1994
- 1994
- 1995
- 1995-1996
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 1st Pres Church
- 1st Presbyterian Church
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- 2018
- 20th Anniversary
- 26th Annual Postgraduate
- 2nd grade
- 2nd street
- 2nd Street School
- 3rd
- 3rd Street
- 4-H
- 4H
- 4th Grade
- 4th Street
- 50th
- 56th OVI
- 5th Street
- 615th Engineer Equipment Compan
- 6th Grade Class
- 6th Street
- 75th
- 75th Anniversary
- 7th Grade
- 7th Grade Class
- 7th street
- 8th grade
- 8th Street
- 940
- 9th street
- A - L
- A & P Food Stores
- a.m.e.
- AAA - World Wide Travel Agency
- ABC Furnace Co.
- Academy of Medicine
- ackerman
- Acme Quality Paints
- Adam Giesler
- Adam Hobstetter
- Adam Kerr
- adams county
- Advertisement
- Advertisements
- aerial
- african
- African American
- Agricultural
- Agricultural Society
- agriculture
- Airport
- Al Egbert
- Al Oliver
- albert
- Albert Harold Dehner
- Albert LeRoy Test
- Albert S. Maier
- Albert Zoellner
- Alexandria
- all
- All Saints
- All Saints Church
- All Saints' Church
- Allard Park
- allen
- Allman
- Allman Family photo
- Alumni
- ambulances
- American Legion
- American Restaurant
- amrican savings bank
- Amy Thompson
- Ancient Order of Aztecs
- Anderson Brother's
- Anderson Brother's Baseball Team
- Anderson Brother's Company
- Ann Rice
- Anna Louise Charles
- Annette Martin
- Annette Martin Miller
- anniversary
- Annual
- Annual Reports
- anon
- apartments
- Apollo 13
- apostolic
- appel
- apple butter
- aqueduct
- arcade
- Archie Griffin
- Architectural Significance
- Ardzli Tea Room
- Arion
- Army
- Army Patch
- Art Linkletter
- Arthur's
- article
- Ashland
- Ashland Refining Company
- assembly
- Athletic Park
- attorney
- Attractions
- Austin Taylor
- Auto
- Auto Derby
- Automobile Club of Southern Ohio
- Auxiliary
- Auxiliary members
- Aviation
- Award of Merit
- b g harris
- B. F. Goodrich
- B. Glockner
- B. Glockner Hardware and Cutlery
- B.F. Bennett Ferry Boat
- B.G. Harris
- Babette Dalheimer
- Babette Dalheimer School of Dancing
- Baby
- Baby Mine Company
- baby shoes
- Badges
- Bake Shop
- Baker
- Baker's Shoes
- BancOhio
- band
- Bank
- Bannon Park
- Banquet
- baptist
- Bar
- barack
- barber
- Barber Shop
- barge
- Barq's Royal Crown
- Barry Spradlin
- baseball
- baseball coach
- Basketball
- Beauty Salon
- bells
- Ben Scidel's
- Benefit
- Bessie Tomlin
- Better Living Center
- Betty Griffin
- beulah
- Bible
- bigelow
- Bigelow Methodist Church
- Biggs House
- bill
- Bill Grizzell
- Bill Harsha
- Bill Huels
- Bill Roberts
- Billie Ashley
- Billy
- Billy Sunday
- Birdie Weaver
- birthday
- Birthday Card
- black and white photo
- Black Friday
- blade
- Blake Block
- Blast Furnace
- Blizzard
- blood drive
- Bloom High School
- Bloom Middle
- Bloom Middle School
- Bloom Township
- Blue Creek
- Blue Jat manufacturing
- Board
- Board Members
- Board of Trustees
- boat
- boat race
- boat races
- boats
- Bob
- Bob Rinehart
- Bob Rinehart Jean Hartnett
- Bob Schwamburger
- Bob Sergeant
- Bohemian Camp
- Bohemian Club
- Bohemian Club Camp
- Bond Street
- Bond Street Spats
- boneyfiddle
- Boneyfiddle Bazaar
- Bonnie
- Bonnie Eggers
- Book
- book review
- bottle
- boulevard
- Boundary Streets
- Boundry Street
- bowling
- Bowling Team
- box
- Boy Scout Troop
- boy scouts
- Boy Scouts of America
- Boy Scouts Troop
- Boy's Basketball
- Boyd County
- Brad Spradlin
- Brake Service
- brakes
- brant
- Brant-Appel
- Brant-Appel Kitchen
- brethren
- brewing company
- Brian Wolfe
- brick
- bridge
- Broadway
- Broadway Street
- Broom
- Brov's Restaurant
- Brown
- Brown's
- Bruce Hatten
- Brunner
- Brush Creek
- Bryan
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista Post Office
- Buena Vista School
- Buffalo Bill Cody
- Buiding
- building
- Building Fund
- Buildings
- Builings
- Burgess
- Burt & Hall
- Bus
- business
- business card
- button
- button hook
- C. Herrmann & Sons
- C. P. Tracy & Co.
- Calendar
- california
- calvary
- camp
- Camp Morrow
- Camp Oyo
- Campaign Medal
- Campbell Avenue
- campground
- Campground Lancaster
- canal
- canoe
- Canoe Race
- Captain U.S.A.F.
- Captain Webb
- Car
- card
- carl
- Carl Ackerman
- Carl Perkins
- Carl Spradlin
- carnegie
- Carol Mayer
- Carole Thomas
- Carolyn Glickert-Parshall
- Carr Corner
- carriage
- Carry-out
- cars
- Casino
- Castle Hall
- Catherine Elizabeth Bauer
- catholic
- Catholic Welfare Bureau
- Catholic Welfare Bureau of Scioto County
- Catlettsburg
- Cecil Miller Lumber Co.
- cedar chest
- celebratio
- celebration
- cement
- Cement and Lime Company
- cemetery
- Center Street
- Central
- Central Baptist
- Central Market Feed Stable
- ceremony
- certificate
- Certificate of Achievement
- Certificate of Merit
- Certificate of Registrar
- Certificate of Regulation
- certificates
- Chaboudy. Grocery
- Chain
- Chairman
- Champion Trophy
- chapel
- Charlene Cordial
- charles
- Charles Ashley
- charles hayward
- Charles Jordan
- Charles Rowe
- Charles Tolbert
- check
- cheerleaders
- Chesapeake and Ohio
- Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
- Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
- Chicago
- Chicago Bears
- Chief John Lynn
- children
- Children's Home
- Children's Orthopedic Class
- chillicothe
- Chillicothe Pike
- chillicothe street
- chillitcothe street
- China Garden
- Chinaware
- Chris Bentley
- christ
- Christian Union Church
- christmas
- christmas card
- christmas card photo
- Christmas Dinner
- church
- Church of Christ
- Cindy Long
- Cindy McGraw
- Circus
- City of Portsmouth
- City of Portsmouth Sign
- City Solicito
- civic betterment contest
- Civic Forum Ohio Valley Baseball Tournament
- Civil War
- Clara Marie (Chinn) Wagner
- Clarence Fisher
- Claris Compton
- class
- Class Night Exercises
- class of 1940
- class of 1940.
- Class of 1941
- Class of 1941; Portsmouth East
- class of 1942
- class of 1945
- class photo
- class picture
- Class piture
- classes
- Classic Barber Shop
- Classic Bowling
- Classic Bowling Lanes
- Claude Dale Marsh
- Claude West
- Clay
- Clay high
- Clay High School
- Clay Jr. high
- Clay Rural High School
- Clay Township
- Clenent Vallandigham
- Cliff Thompson
- clinton
- Closed
- club
- Co. B. 56th O.V.I.
- Coach
- Coach Hughes
- coaches
- coal
- coffrin
- Coke
- Cold
- Cole's Boulevard
- coles
- Coles Boulevard
- color
- color image
- coloring book
- coloring sheet
- columbia
- Columbus
- commencement
- commencement 1928
- Commencement program
- Commercial Building & Loan Company
- Committee
- Community Chest Agency
- community common
- company
- Company B 56th O.V.I.
- Company H
- Company H 4th O.V.I.
- Connie
- Connie Burns
- Connie Caudill
- Connie Enlow
- Connie Miller.
- construction
- Continuation
- controller
- Cooper
- cop
- Copy cat
- Coriell Brothers & Co. Jewelry
- Cornelius
- Corner Market
- Corrine Donavan Obrist
- cortescope
- Country Music DJ Hall of Fame
- county
- county tax receipt
- court
- Court House
- Court Street
- courthouse
- cowboy
- Crane
- Crocheted Bible
- Cropper Building
- crowd picture
- crusader
- Cubs
- Cycle Inn
- Cycle Inn Restaurant
- Cyrus Kahl
- D.I. Blackburn and Son Checks
- daehler
- Dahly's Follies
- Daily Times
- Dairy
- Dale Marsh
- Dale's Pharmacy
- Damage
- Dan Craig
- Dan Quayle
- Daniel Young
- Darlene Callendar
- Daughters of America
- Dave Blevins
- Dave Pyles
- Dave Sherwood
- Dave Williams
- David Sherwood
- David Todd
- davis
- Dayhuff
- Daylight Store
- death
- Decoration Day
- Decoration Day Parade
- Defense Stamps
- Democratic Party
- Demolition
- Demonstration
- Dennis DeCamp
- Denton's
- department
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Ministerial Relations
- Department Store
- depot
- derby
- detroit
- Detroit Steel
- Devil's Den
- Dewey Street
- diaries
- diary
- Dice's Carriage Shop
- Diploma
- Directory
- Directory A-M
- Directory N-Z
- disaster
- display
- Distel Furniture Company
- distiller
- District Meeting
- Dog Bank
- dome
- Don Gilner
- donation
- Doug
- Doughty
- Dove Hat Company
- downtown
- Doyles
- Dr. Arthur K. Beumler
- Dr. B.W. Binns
- Dr. Bernard Gibson
- Dr. Ezekiel Marion Foster
- Dr. Foster
- Dr. Frank Mynes
- Dr. Giles S.B. Hempstead
- Dr. H. Soto
- Dr. Henry S. Coggswell
- Dr. J.E. Wilhelm
- Dr. Jerome Sheets
- Dr. John Walker
- Dr. Kulscar.
- Dr. R. Villareal
- Dr. W. Lee
- Dr. Waller
- Dr. Walter A. Braunlin
- Drawing
- Dreamland
- Druggist
- Dry Cleaners
- duck
- Dunham Meats
- Dunn Coal
- E M. Ferris
- E. J. Kenrick
- E. M. Ferris
- E. T. Lawson
- E.D.S. Foreman's Club
- E.E. Brown
- E.E. Euton
- E.E. Euton Wall and Floor Covering Company
- Earl Rankin
- Earle White
- early 1900's
- early mail carriers
- early Portsmouth
- east
- East End
- East High
- East High School
- East Second Street
- East Tartan Football
- Easter
- echo
- Echo II of Rarden
- Ed Miller
- Eden Park
- Edgar Pennywitt
- Edith Collin
- Edna Grace Knore
- Education
- Edwards
- Egypt
- Eifort
- Eighth street
- elective candidate
- elementary
- Eleventh (11th) Street
- Eleventh Street
- Elgin
- Elk's Club
- Elks
- Elma Ruth Boyd
- Elmer Dover
- Elmer Sword
- Emil Arthur
- Emma Vastine
- empire-detroit
- employee
- engineer
- Enid Moore
- entertainment
- envelope
- episcopal
- equipment
- Erie Canal
- erma noel
- Esplanade
- Esta Regner
- Esta Stahl-Brigner
- Estil Grizzell
- Euilid Manor
- Eva Burchett
- Eva Burchett Ellis
- evangelical
- Evangelical Church
- Evans
- event
- Everett Riggs
- excelsior
- exhibitor
- f and p
- F. Eastwood
- factories
- factory
- fair
- Fair Board
- Fair Board Recognized
- Fairtrace Shoes
- fairway
- Faith of Our Fathers
- falcons
- family
- Family Lowe photo
- Family Portrait
- Family Underwood
- farm
- Farney
- Faulkner
- Ferris Gun Shop
- ferry
- ferry boat
- festival
- Festival Days
- Feuchtenberger Bakeries
- Fifth (5th) Street
- fifth street
- findlay street
- Findley Ave.
- fire
- fire chief
- fire department
- Fire Station
- Firebrick
- fireman
- first
- First Christian Church
- First Evangelical United Brethren Church
- First Grade
- First National
- First National Bank
- First Pres Church
- First Presbyterian Church
- First U.B. Church
- First United Brethren Church
- Flag
- flood
- flood wall
- Floodwall
- flooring
- Flora McNutt
- Floral Gardens
- Floral Shop
- Floreine Carty
- flour mill
- Fob
- football
- football coach
- football coaches
- Fort Donaldson
- Fort Shawnee
- foster
- Fourth Street
- Fowler's
- Frank Bihlman
- Frank Gansley
- Frank Hubbard
- Frank McLean
- Franklin Avenue
- Franklin Avenue Methodist Church
- Franklin T. Gerlach
- fred r. may
- Fred Winters
- Free Baptist
- freewill baptist
- French Settlement
- Fresh Air Camp
- Frist National Bank
- From The Waters
- Front Street
- Frozen
- frozen river
- Fry Candy Company
- Fugitive
- fullerton
- Fullerton Bridge
- fullet
- funeral
- Funeral Home
- Furnace
- furniture
- G. Williams
- G.E. Koch
- G.E. Koch Hardware Company
- gallia
- Gallia Square
- Gallia Street
- Garden
- Garfield School
- Garment Workers Strike
- Garrison Cap
- Gary Bailey
- Gary Hatfield
- Gas
- gay
- Gay Street
- Gay Streets
- Gaylord Rolling Mill
- Gayther Smith Collins
- gazette
- Gene Hanser
- Gene L. Hansen
- Gene Williams
- General Hospital
- General Hospital School
- General Hospital Training School
- General Telephone Co.
- Geneva Nelson
- George Dodds
- George Fisher
- George H. Riehl
- George Koener
- George Pappitsas
- George Parry
- George Rontoll
- George Welch
- georgian portraits
- Gerald
- Gerald Boyd
- German Day
- German Day Parade
- Gerro's Confectionery
- Gerry
- Gerry Hartlage
- Gerry Hutchison
- Gertrude Henson
- Get Up Bottle
- Giants
- Giants Basketball
- Giesler's
- gilbert grocery
- Giles S.B. Hempstead
- Girl Scout
- Girl Scouts
- Girl's Annual
- Girls Basketball
- Glad Tidings
- Glades school
- Gladys McKay
- glass pitcher
- Glasses case
- glee
- Gleenwood
- Glen
- Glen Bierly
- Glen Sergeant
- Glenn Brock
- Glenn Emnett
- Glenwood
- Glenwood High School
- Glockner
- Glockner Chevrolet
- Glockner Chevrolet Baseball Team
- Glockner Hardware
- glover street
- Gloves
- god
- gold
- golf
- Golf Links
- Gordon
- Gordon P.
- Gov Smith
- Government Building
- Government Square
- Governor of Ohio
- Grace Cook
- grade card
- graduation
- Graham
- grand marshall
- grandstand
- grandview
- Grandview Avenue
- Granny's Ice Cream Emporium
- grant
- grant bridge
- Grant Middle
- Grant Orin
- Grant School
- Grant Williams
- Grants cabin
- Graythal Smith
- green
- Green Elementary
- Green High
- Green High school
- Green Lawn Cemetery
- Green Middle Yearbook
- Green Township
- Green Township High School
- Greene
- Greenlawn
- Greenlawn Cemetery
- greenlawn cemetery lot ticket
- Greenup County
- Greenup County High School
- Greenup High School
- Greenwood
- Greer
- Greyhound
- Grimes
- Grocer
- groceries
- grocery
- Grose
- group
- guard force
- Gulf Oil Pipeline
- Gulf Tires
- Gus Blum
- Guy Steele
- H. C. Tabor
- H. Engelbadt
- H. Kraus
- H. Marting
- Haislet
- Haldor Fry
- handbook
- handwritten
- Harding School
- Harding-Lafayette School
- hardware
- Harold
- Harold F.
- Harold G.
- Harold Lowe
- Harold Walbright
- Harold's
- Harold's Restaurat
- Harrison Avenue
- Harrison Township
- Harry E. "Huck" Foehr
- Harry E. Foehr
- Harry Foehr
- Harry Koh
- Harry Miller
- Harry Smith
- Hartnett
- Hartnett family
- Hartnett family photo
- Hatch Advertising Company
- Hayes E. Wilcox
- Hayes Wilcox
- Health Chairman
- Heating
- Helen Christian
- Helen Wood
- helt
- Hempstead
- Hempstead Academy of Medicine
- Hempstead Hospital
- Hempstead Map of Mounds
- Hempstead Memorial Academy of Medicine
- Hemstead
- Henry A. Lorber
- Henry A. Lorberg
- Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook
- Henry A. Lorberg'
- Henry Bannon
- Henry Brush
- Henry S. Coggswell
- Herb Robinson
- Herbert
- Hibbs Hardware Company
- high
- high school
- highland
- Highland Ave.
- Highland Bend
- Hilcorn
- hillary
- hills
- Hilltop fire
- historic postcards
- Historical Notes
- Historical Sketch
- History
- Hobe's Appliance Center
- Hog Show
- Holes Appliance
- Holes' Appliances
- Holy Redeemer
- Holy Redeemer Bells
- home
- Home Supply
- Homer Cox
- Honorable Discharge
- Honored
- Hope Villarreal
- Hopewell
- horace
- horse
- horse show
- Horse Show Exhibitors
- hospital
- hotel
- Hotel Hurth
- House
- house fire
- Household Finance
- Houses
- Huck Foehr
- Hughes
- Hurth
- Hutchins Street.
- Hutchinson
- Hutchinson famly photo
- Hutchison
- I.O.O.F
- ice
- ice storm
- Ideal Milk Company
- Ike
- Indian
- Indian Relics
- Indian Rock
- Indian Rock Head
- industrial
- Industry
- Information
- Insurance
- inter-state
- Interior photo
- Interstate Transfer and Storage
- Interstate Transfer and Storage Company
- invoice
- Ira Morton
- Irene Ramey Books
- Iron
- Irving Drew
- Irving Drew Shoe
- Irving Drew Shoe Company
- Irving Knost
- Ivan Scott
- J. E. Jones
- J. E. Jones Saws Shop
- J. Euth
- J. F. Carr Jewelers
- J. Harry McGregor
- J. P. Purdum
- J.A. Shannon
- J.C. Penney's
- J.F. Carr Jewelers
- J.L. Hibbs
- J.L. Hibbs and Company
- Jack Beebe
- Jack MacDonald
- Jack Miller
- Jack Snyder
- Jackie Frecka
- jackson
- jacob haas
- Jacob Werner
- Jadoa
- Jail
- Jake
- Jake Dice
- Jake Miller
- James A. Lovell
- James Brennan
- James Rhode
- Jane
- Jane Walbright
- Jane Walbright. Rita Martin
- Janet Cannon
- Janet Franklin
- Janet Robertson Adkins
- Janet Stark
- Janet Stark Franklin
- Janet Stark-Franklin
- Janice Sergeant Rinehart
- jarrells
- Jax
- Jax Roast Beef
- Jax Roast Beef Restaurant
- Jean
- Jean Hartnett
- Jean Hutchison
- Jean Sheets
- Jeanette Snyder
- Jeff Henry
- Jeff Meadows
- Jefferson Street
- Jenny
- Jerome Rini
- Jerry
- Jerry Hartnett
- Jim Malavazos
- Joanne Dickson
- Joanne Dickson Cooley Rockhold
- Joanne Dickson- Cooley-Rockhold.
- Joanne Dickson-Rockhol
- Joe Allen
- Joe Schaefer
- Joe Schaefer Choice Groceries
- John and Rebecca Treat
- John Collins
- John Compton
- John Conley
- John Dever
- John Dice
- John Dill
- John Doll
- John F. Hubbard
- John Green
- John Knauff
- John Lynn
- John Mahl D. Zornes
- john mccain
- John Moore
- John Morgan
- John Peebles
- John Street
- John Switalski
- John Wellman
- John Werner
- Johnson & Son Manufacturers
- Jon Dever
- Joseph
- Joseph J.
- Joseph P. Schaefer
- journal
- jr
- Jr.
- Jr. Fair
- jr. rifle club
- Judy Thomas
- Julia Rose Koch-Harris
- Julie McKenzie
- Juliet Scott Heerr's
- June (Lamonda) Shinkle
- Junior Furnace
- junior varsity
- K&M Restaurant
- Kaboobies
- Karl Murray
- Kate Newman
- Kay Jewelry
- Ken
- ken and jessica hartnett
- ken and mom
- Ken Massie
- Ken Noxsel
- Kendall Avenue
- Kenny Whisman
- kentucky
- Kentucky Hills
- key
- keychain
- kids day
- kids parade
- King's Genius 9500
- Kinker family
- Kinney
- Kinney Long
- Kinney's Alley
- Kinney's Lane
- Kinney's Spring
- Kirby Kraft
- Kirby's Floral Company
- Kirbys
- Kline Family
- Knights of Pythias
- Kobacker's
- Koch
- Koch Hardware Exterior
- Koch Pioneers
- Kodak
- Korn Karnival
- Korn Karnival
- Kricker
- Kricker Building
- Kristina Boynton
- Kum Korn Karnival
- Kwishini Natural Forest
- L. W. Knost
- La Salle
- Labold
- Labor Card
- Labor Day
- Ladies Aid Society
- Ladies Auxiliary
- Ladies Banquet
- Lafayette
- Lafayette School
- Laidley
- lake
- Lake Millbrook
- Lamar
- Lamar Hutchison
- Lancaster
- Lancaster Campground
- Landing
- Landscape
- LaRoy
- Larry Ford
- Larry Hall
- Larry Ickes
- Larry King
- Larry White
- Lash Larue
- laundry
- Laurie franks
- Lavina Compton
- Lawrence Werner
- Lawson Dairy
- Lawson St. Home Supply
- Lawson Street
- Lawson Street Home Supply
- leather pad
- Leather Pouch
- leather wallet
- ledger
- Lee Ickes
- leet
- Legion
- lehman
- Lena O'Mara
- letter
- letterhead
- levi
- Levi York
- lewis
- Lewis Furniture
- Lewis Furniture Company
- Libby Phillips
- library
- Library Opening
- Lieutenant General William Hood Simpson
- Lincoln
- Linda
- Linda Walker
- Lindsay Elementary
- Lindsay Elementary Yearbook
- liston
- Little
- little league
- Little Scioto River
- Little Scioto River Bridge
- Lizzie Bay
- Lloyd Adams and Simpson
- Local Woodmen Organization
- Lock Down Lucasville
- Lodge No. 31
- Logan Street
- Lois Euton
- Long
- Lonnie Seagraves
- Lottie
- Lou Holtz
- Lou Nicholas
- Louie Carson
- Louisiana
- Louisiana Moore Ricker
- Lover's Lane
- Lowe Family
- Lowe Family photo
- Lowes family photo
- Lowes family photos
- Lu Ann Conkel
- lucasville
- Lucinda Goodrich
- lucy e daum
- lunch
- Luther Caudill
- lutheran
- Lyle
- Lynn
- Lynn Hutchison
- lyra
- Lyric
- Lyric Theater
- Lyric Theatre
- lyrics
- M - Z
- M.D.
- m.e.
- Mabert Road
- Mack Caskey
- Mack's
- maddock
- maden
- Madison Township
- Mae Keil
- Magnolia Park
- mail carriers
- mail truck
- Maket Street
- manly
- manufacturing
- map
- marching band
- Margaret "Me" Hiles Scott
- Margaret (Meg) Hiles Scott
- Marge
- Margie
- Margie Hatfield
- Marguerite
- Marguerite Hutchison
- Marie
- Marilyn Davis Emnett
- Mark Russell
- Mark Woodrum
- market
- market square
- Market Square Antiques
- market street
- Marshal Pin
- Martha
- Martha Allman
- Martha Amanda Copple Foster
- Martha J.
- Martha J. Allman
- Martha Jean Allman
- Marting Brothers
- Marting Brothers Company
- marting's
- Marting's Receipt
- martings
- mary
- Mary Ellen
- Mary Houston
- Mary Leadingham
- Mary Lou Gillette
- Mary Lou Gillette Giampercaro
- Mary M. Severs
- Mary McClur
- masonic
- Masonic Building
- Masonic Hall
- Masonic Temple
- Massie Hall
- matchbook
- Maud Simcox Coriell
- Maxcella Hood Marsh
- May
- Mayor Glidden
- Maysville
- McCoy
- McDermott
- McDermott Elementary School
- McDermott High
- McDermott High School
- McKinley
- McKinley Middle School
- Meat
- Medal
- medical
- Medical Seminar
- Medical Society
- meeting
- Meeting Installation of Officers
- Meg Scott
- Melissa Ann Sergeant Ashley
- Melissa Hartley
- melody
- member
- Members
- Membership Card
- Memorial
- Memorial Burial Park
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Day Parade
- memory makers
- Memphis
- menu
- Mercy
- Mercy Hospital
- Mercy School of Nursing
- Merritt Hayward
- metal
- methodist
- Methodist Church
- meting
- Michelle
- Michigan
- Micklethwait
- miessner
- Mike Bussa
- Mike Dewine
- Mike Smith
- military
- Military Clergy
- milk
- Milk Glass
- mill
- millbrook
- Millbrook Lake
- Millbrook Park
- Millbrook Station
- Milldale
- Miller
- Millhuff's Department Store
- Millkbrook Ball Park
- mills
- Milstead
- Mineer
- Minerva Morris
- Minfird
- minford
- Minford Elementary School
- Minford High
- Minford High School
- Minford in Madison/Harrison Township
- Minford Middle School
- Minford Primary School
- Ministry
- Minnesota
- Minnesota.
- Miss River Days
- missionary investments
- missionary work
- Mitchell's Service Station
- Mobile Donor Van
- Model A Ford
- Modern Age Tobacco
- Modern Dairy Company
- Mohawk Tires
- Mohawk Tires Baseball Team
- money holder
- montgomery ward
- Montgomery-Ward
- Monument
- Moore
- morgan
- Morgan Jewlers
- Morgan's Raid
- mortuary
- Motor
- Mound
- Mounds
- movie star
- Mr. and Mrs. James W. Newman
- Mr. Kehoe
- Mrs. Cecil House
- Mrs. Charles Egbert
- Mrs. Charles Oppy
- Mrs. Charles Violet
- Mrs. Charles Zaler
- Mrs. Esta Stahl-Brigner
- Mrs. Fitch
- Mrs. Gaul
- Mrs. Goetry
- Mrs. Harry Rapp
- Mrs. Keith Steele
- Mrs. Kulscar
- Mrs. Obrist
- Mrs. Ralph Huels
- Mrs. Singleton
- Mrs. Wendelken
- Municipal Building
- Municipal Stadium
- Munn's Run
- murals
- museum
- Musicale
- N & W Terminals
- N. J. Dever
- n&w
- Name
- National Bank
- National Bank of Portsmouth
- National Guard
- Native American
- Nature
- Nauvoo
- Nauvoo Elementary School
- Nauvoo Middle School
- Navies
- Ned Alger
- Nelson King
- Nelson W. Evans
- nesbet
- new boston
- new vernon
- new williams
- new york
- New York Giants
- newman
- News
- news alert
- newsboys
- newsletter
- Newspaper
- newspaper article
- nfl
- NFLSpartans
- Nile Township
- ninth
- Ninth (9th) Street
- Ninth Street
- Ninth Street Moving Company
- NOA International Championship
- noggins
- norfolk
- Norfolk and Western
- Norfolk and Western passenger depot
- Norfolk and Western R.R. Station
- Norfolk and Western Railway
- norfolk and western station
- norma c young
- North Moreland Elementary
- Northwest
- Northwest High School
- notebook
- notice
- Notre Dame
- Notre Dame High Schoo
- Notre Dame High School
- November 1911
- nurse
- Nursing
- O. Quasser Junk Shop
- obama
- obit
- obituary
- Obituary Index
- Observance
- Oetta Snyde
- Oetta Snyder
- office
- Officers
- Officers Hat
- offnere
- Offnere Street
- ohio
- ohio river
- Ohio State League
- Ohio Stove
- Ohio Stove Company
- Ohio Valley Broom
- Ohio.
- Old
- old photo
- Old Red Schoolhouse
- olympics
- Opera
- Opera House
- Operetta
- Orange Smile Co
- Orchestra
- organization
- orphanage
- orpheum
- Orthopedic Class
- Oscar Boyer
- otway
- Otway High School
- Owen Jackson
- Packard Parade
- Packet
- paddlewheel
- Page Marker Victoria Mineer Lowe
- pages
- paper
- parade
- park
- Parsonage
- party
- passenger depot
- Pat Jackson
- Pat March
- patch
- Paul
- Paul Books
- Paul E. Jacobs
- Paul Griffin
- Paul Haley's House
- Paul's Dairy
- pavilion
- Pay Stubs
- Pea Vine
- Pearl Bailey
- Pearl E. Selby
- Peggy Evans
- penny
- people
- Pet Show
- Pete
- Pete Bussa
- phd
- Phill Ott
- photo
- Photo postcard
- photograph
- phs
- piano
- Pictorial History of Portsmouth
- Pin
- pine
- Pioneer Days
- Pioneer Village
- Pipe
- pirates
- place
- plant
- Plant News
- plat map
- plate
- play Sciotoville
- Playground
- Playhouse Elk Building
- pleasant
- Plumbing
- Pocket Watch
- Police Department
- police officer
- political card
- pond
- Pool
- poplar
- porter
- porter township
- Porter Township Schools
- portmouth high
- portrait
- portsmourth
- portsmouth
- Portsmouth American Legion Post 23
- Portsmouth Baptist
- Portsmouth Baseball Team
- Portsmouth Blade
- Portsmouth Brewing & Ice Co.
- Portsmouth Cement and Lime
- Portsmouth City
- Portsmouth City Director
- Portsmouth City Directory
- Portsmouth College
- Portsmouth Daily Times
- Portsmouth East
- Portsmouth East class
- Portsmouth East high
- Portsmouth East High School
- Portsmouth East Middle School
- Portsmouth Fire Department
- Portsmouth Fire Dept
- Portsmouth Gas Company
- Portsmouth Gas Company Baseball Team
- Portsmouth General Hospital
- Portsmouth hat company
- portsmouth high
- portsmouth high school
- Portsmouth Historical Pageant
- Portsmouth Insurance Agency
- Portsmouth Lake Ice
- Portsmouth Lake Ice Company
- Portsmouth Library
- Portsmouth Morning Sun
- Portsmouth Ohio
- Portsmouth Police Department
- Portsmouth Public Library
- Portsmouth River Days
- Portsmouth Sesquicentennial
- Portsmouth Shoemakers
- Portsmouth Solvay Coke
- Portsmouth Solvay Coke Company
- Portsmouth Spartans
- Portsmouth Speed Way
- Portsmouth Speedway Stock Car Races
- Portsmouth Steel Mill
- portsmouth street
- Portsmouth Street Railway and Light
- Portsmouth Street Railway and Light Company
- Portsmouth Sunday Times
- Portsmouth Telephone Company
- Portsmouth Times
- Portsmouth Weekly Tribune
- portsmouth west
- Portsmouth West High
- Portsmouth West High School
- Post 23
- Post Office
- postcard
- postcatd
- Poster
- Potentate Osman Temple
- Power
- Power Country 104
- presbyterian
- Prescott
- president
- presidential
- Pricetown School band
- Prichard's Camp
- Princess Margy
- printing
- Profile Rock
- program
- Programme
- Programs
- Prom
- Promotion
- property tax
- Publicity
- Publishing
- pump station
- Quality Courts Motel
- Quality Service
- quality store
- queens
- Quick Repair Shop
- quilt
- R & G Blum Store
- R. A. Calvert
- R. H. Hayman
- R. L. Shumate
- Rachel Marchyn
- railroad
- railway
- rainbow girls
- rally
- Ralph
- Ramada Inn
- Randy Bentley
- Randy Evans
- Randy Parker
- Rarden
- Rarden High School
- Rarden Methodist Church
- Rarden Township
- ration
- Ration Books
- Raven Rock
- Raven Rock Airport
- Ray Thompson
- receipt
- Receipts
- Record
- record shop
- red
- Red Cross
- Redden's Grocery
- Reinhert
- reitz
- relay
- Religion
- Religious
- Report
- report card
- Restaurant
- retired
- reunion
- revare
- Reverend Cruickshank
- Richard Munyon
- Richard Nelson
- Richard's
- Rick Parry
- Ride
- rifle
- Rita Martin
- ritz
- river
- River Boat Memphis
- River Boats
- River City
- River City Band
- river days
- River Days Portsmouth Sign
- river front
- rivers days
- Riverside Club
- Riverview Retirement Center
- Road
- Rob Cunningham
- Robert Alexander
- Robert Blum
- Robert Hazeltine
- Robert O. Trimmer
- Robert W.
- Robinson Ave
- Robinson Avenue
- Rock
- Rockwell
- Rod Conley
- Rod Spradlin
- rodeo
- Roger A. Selby
- Roger W. Davis
- Roll of Pastors
- Roma Lee Walker
- Ron Caudill
- Ron Conant
- Ron Conley
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt Game Preserve
- Roosevelt Lake
- Rose Clark
- Rosemary Zwickert
- roseridge
- rowe
- Roy Allman
- Roy Allman in uniform
- Roy B.
- roy m. kemp
- Roy Rodgers
- roy rogers
- Roy Rogers Museum
- Roy Salisbury
- Ruhlman Bros
- Ruptured Duck Pin
- Rush Township
- Rushtown
- Russ Imes
- Ruth Meltzer
- Sabbath School
- safety driver
- saint
- Saint Mary's
- saints
- salt lake
- sampson
- samson
- Samuel Horchow
- Samuel Horchow Company
- Samuel Marshall
- Sandra Dafler
- Sandy Sparks
- sandy springs
- Santa
- Sara M. Jones
- Sara M. Miller (Jones)
- Sarah Thompson
- Saving Bonds
- Scaramouche
- scenic
- Schaefer's Food Market
- Schirrman
- Schook
- school
- School Photo
- schools
- Schoonover's
- Sciot County
- scioto
- scioto co
- Scioto County
- Scioto County Commissioner
- Scioto County Court House
- Scioto County Fair
- Scioto County Joint Vocational School
- Scioto County Medical Society
- Scioto County Public Library
- Scioto County School Annual
- Scioto County Sportsman's Inc.
- Scioto Furnace
- Scioto Furnace Elementary School
- Scioto Hocking Valley Railroad
- scioto memorial
- Scioto Memorial Hospital
- Scioto River
- Scioto River Bridge
- Scioto Trail
- Scioto Valley
- Scioto Valley Railroad
- Sciotovile
- sciotoville
- Sciotoville Elementary Class
- sciotoville hich school
- Sciotoville High
- Sciotoville High School
- Sciotoville Normal School
- Sciotoville Students at
- Scott Fenimore
- Scott Gray
- Scrapbook
- Scrape book
- script
- Sears
- second
- Second (2nd) Street
- Second Presbyterian
- Second Presbyterian Church
- second street
- Second Street School
- Secretary
- Secretary of the Army
- Secretary to the Administrator
- Security Bank
- Security Central National Bank
- Sedan
- selby
- Selby Shoe
- Selby Shoe Company
- Selby Shoe Factory
- Selby's
- Senate Saloon
- senatorian
- senators
- Senior Card
- Senior Cards
- sepia
- Sergeant
- service
- servicemen
- Sesquicentennial
- Sesquincentennial
- settlement
- Seventeenth Street
- Seventh Street
- shaving mug
- shaving permit
- shawnee
- Shawnee Lodge
- Shawnee State
- Shawnee State Community College
- Shawnee State Park
- Shawnee State Resort
- Shawnee State University
- Shawnee Western Saddle Club
- shelby
- Shepherd Feed and Seed
- Sheriff John Knauff
- Sherwin Williams Paint Store
- Sherwin-Williams Paints
- shingles
- ships
- shoe
- Shoe Corporation
- shoe horn
- Shoemakers
- Shop
- shopping
- Shops
- Show
- sibyl
- Sign
- Simpson Block
- sinton
- Sinton Street
- Sister Eudes
- sisters
- Sisters of St. Francis
- Sixth (6th) Street
- Sixth Street
- Skate
- Slaves
- Smith-Everett Hospital
- Smith-Everett Hospital Auxiliary
- snow
- softball
- soldiers
- Soldiers Circle
- somacc
- son
- song
- sour mash
- South Portsmouth
- South Portsmouth Depot
- south webster
- South Webster Elementary School
- southern ohio correctional facility
- Southern Ohio Cultural Museum
- Southern Ohio Museum
- Souvenir
- Souvenir Program
- Spanish War
- Spanish-American War
- spartan
- Spartan Municipal Stadium
- Spartans
- Sports
- Spring
- Spring Lane
- Springville
- St Mary's High School
- st paulus
- St. Francis Home
- St. Paul
- stadium
- stagecoach
- Stahler Brothers
- stamper
- stamps
- Standard Supply
- Stanley Peach
- Stanley Theater
- Stapleton Office Supply
- Stapleton Office Supply Company
- Stapleton's
- Stapleton's Office Supply
- State Basketball
- State tax stamps
- statistics
- Steam passenger
- Steamboat
- Steamer
- steel
- Steel Mill
- Steel Works
- Stephenson
- stereocard
- Sterling Stove Company
- Steve D. Gerro
- Steve Stewart
- Steve Willard
- Steve's Lock and Key
- Stewart-Lerch Brokerage
- stiltner
- Stock Car Races
- Stockham
- Stockham Ice
- stone
- Stone's Dairy Bar
- store
- Storm
- stout
- stream
- street
- Street Car
- streetcar
- Students
- Students at Allard Park
- Subscription
- Sue Manley
- Summer's Brothers
- Sunday School
- Superintendent
- Survey
- surveyor
- susan dehner
- Sylvia Wells
- T.M. Patterson
- t&s
- Tabernacle
- Taft
- tartans
- taxi
- taylor
- Taylor Stone
- Taylorton
- Tea
- Technical Sargent Harold
- Ted Carver
- Temperature
- temple
- Tennis
- tennis court
- Tenth Street
- Teresa Yeley
- terry
- Terry Hartnett
- Thanksgiving
- The Baron & Restoration Jazz Band
- The Betsy Ann
- The Brewery Arcade
- The Daylight Store
- The Elk Building
- the firing squad
- The First Christian Church
- The Freddy Weller Show
- The Garfield School
- The General U.S. Grant Bridge
- The H. Leet Lumber Company
- The Irving Drew Company
- The Irving Drew Corporation
- The Knost Floral Co.
- the lofts
- The McCabe and Proctor Co.
- The Mirror
- The National Bank
- The Portsmouth Bank
- The Portsmouth Blade
- The Portsmouth Chemical Company
- The Portsmouth Morning Sun
- The Portsmouth Times
- The Portsmouth Trotting Association Park
- The Public School
- The Rama
- The River City Band
- The River City Illustrated
- The Spartan
- The Stockham Ice Company
- The Story of Portsmouth
- The Underground Disco Show
- The Union Central Life Insurance Company
- The Wait Furniture Company
- The War Years
- The Washington
- The Washington Hotel
- The Wilhelm Opera House
- The Wilhelmette Apartments
- Theater
- theatre
- Theo Shimp
- Theodore Mayer
- thimble
- third
- Third Annual Canoe Race
- Third Anuual Canoe Race
- Third Street
- ThirdStreet
- Thomas Reece
- Thomas Waller
- Thompson's Dairy
- ticket
- Tim Behrer
- Tim Spradlin
- tintype
- Title Harold Hutchison
- Title Harold's Restaurant
- Title Ohio University diploma
- Title R. H. Hayman
- tobacco
- Todd Perkins
- token
- Tom Evans
- Tommy Lasorda
- Tony Gruber
- tornado
- Tournament
- town hall
- township
- Toy
- toy town
- Toy Truck
- Tracy Park
- train
- Train station
- train wreck
- Training School
- transportation
- Travel Agency
- Tree
- Trees
- Trinity
- Trinity M. E.
- Tristan Miller
- Trojan
- Trojan Jr. Rifle Club
- Trojan Junior Rifle Club
- trojans
- trophies
- Trophy
- truck
- Tuffy
- Turkey Creek
- Turkey Run
- Turkey Shoppe
- Turkey Shoppe Restaurant
- Tuskaloosa
- Tuskaloosa Steam Laundry
- Twelfth Street
- U. S.
- U. S. Capital
- U. S. Navy
- U. S. Philatelic Truck
- U.B.
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Grant
- U.S. Grant Bridge
- U.S. Mail
- U.S. Navy
- ulysses
- Ulysses Grant Drake
- Uncle Frank
- uniform
- uniforms
- Union Memorial
- Union Mills
- Union Street
- united
- United Brethren Church
- United Brethren Methodist Church
- United States
- university
- usa
- Valley Elementary School
- Valley High
- Valley High School
- Valley Middle School
- Valley Township
- Vera Purpura
- verne d. johnson
- veteran
- Viaduct
- Vicky
- Vicky Borders
- Victoria
- Vince Tovine
- Vince's Convenience Stores
- Vincent
- Virginia "Gin" Snyder
- Virginia Drake
- Virginia Graham
- Virginia Snyder
- Votana
- vulcan
- Vulcan Company
- Vulcan Corporation
- W. Hopkin
- W.F. Seymore
- W.H. Rupert
- wagon
- Wait Furniture
- Walbright
- Walbright family
- waller
- Waller Street
- Wally Parshall
- Walt Vastine
- Walter Dickey
- Walter Vastine
- Wanda Hoskin
- War
- washington
- Washington Hotel
- Washington Street
- Washington Township
- Washington Township High School
- Wasserman
- Wassermans
- Watch
- way
- Wayne Hills
- Wayne King
- Wayne LaMonda
- Wayne Lanonda
- weather
- Wellard Kuhn
- wellman
- Wells Sergeant
- Wendall McBrayer
- Wente
- West 2nd Street
- West End
- West Front Street
- West High School
- West Portsmouth
- West Portsmouth Elementary School
- West Portsmouth High School
- West Portsmouth High School Band
- West Second Street
- West Seventh Street
- West Side
- western
- Western and Atlantic
- Western and Atlantic Railway
- Wharf
- Wharf Boat
- wheel newsletter
- Wheelerburg
- wheelersburg
- Wheelersburg Dry Cleaners
- Wheelersburg Elementary School
- Wheelersburg Grade School
- Wheelersburg High
- Wheelersburg High School
- Wheelersburg High School. Yearbook
- Wheelersburg Normal
- Wheelersburg Normal School
- Wheelersburg Special School
- Wheelersburg Special School District
- Wheelersburg Station
- Wheelersburg Tornado
- Wheelersburg Train Station
- wheeling
- Wheeling Steel
- Wheeling Steel barge
- Wheeling Steel Corporation
- whisky
- Whitaker-Glessner Company Employees
- White House
- White's Jewelry Store
- whittlers'
- Wife
- Wilcox Family
- Wild West
- Willard Grizzell
- Willard Scott
- William Corey
- William H. Harsha
- William Harsha
- William Hood Simpson
- William Howard Taft
- William Kendall
- Williams
- Williams Shoe Manufacturing
- Williams Shoes
- Wilma Cutlip
- winners
- winter
- Wireman
- Wiremen
- wolff clothing
- Women's Auxiliary
- Women's Auxiliary GRADS Program
- Woody Hayes
- Work
- Worker
- Workers
- World War I
- World War II
- WW2
- Y.M.C.A
- Y.M.C.A.
- Ye Olde
- Ye Olde Relic Room
- yearbook
- yearbook. sciotoville high school
- york
- York Park
- york place
- Zoellner Jewelry
- Zoellner's Jewelry