black & white portrait photo image in book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 13
The monument in Tracy Park represents John R.T. Barnes (1st Regiment O.V.I., Co. G), the first soldier from Scioto County to die in the war.
black & white portrait photo image in book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 13
Mrs. Pursell organized the first Ladies Aid Society at the outbreak of the Civil War. They held the first Memorial Service in Greenlawn in 1862. Also organized the Monumental Society to erect the Soldiers Monument in Tracy Park. Because she was a widow, and had no son, she hired an agent to go to war to fight for the cause, but she never wanted to know what became of the soldier.
black & white portrait sketch in book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 13
George Bartlett Bailey, sketched in his uniform, was an early Portsmouth physician. At the break of the Civil War, he organized the "Kinney Light Guards" which became the 1st O.V.I., Co. G. Captain Bailey went on to be Major, then Lt Colonel and Colonel at the time of his death. He was among the first in Portsmouth to give his life for his country, and the local G.A.R. Post was named in his honor.
black & white photo image in book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 13 Shown is the 40 foot Soldiers' Monument dedicated in 1879. It cost $6500.00 and was presented to the city by the Ladies Union Soldiers Circle. The statue represents John Barnes, the first man from Scioto County killed in the Civil War. (Lorberg)
black & white photo image scanned from book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 13
Greenlawn Cemetery is located on Offnere Street. The statue was dedicated to the memory of Civil War soldiers in 1869.