Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Reunion Decoration 1885: streamers covering C. P. Tracy & Co. and Reed and Peebles on Second Street
A. W. Apel
Homer Wilson Farnham
Newspaper Ads: W. H. Johnson & Co. at 121 Second Street and William Elden Dry Goods on Market Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: The Old Brewery
Charles Wagner, Thomas Adams, Louis Russell, Samuel McElhaney, John McMahon, James McMahon, Allan W. Spry, and Leroy Johnson
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page about the Portsmouth Maenerchoir
Pictured: Henry Hall, Portsmouth citizen
Newspaper Ad: Hall's Livery Stabel, Thomas Hall- Proprietor, located on Third (3rd) Street; Portsmouth Steam Laundry Card
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Rev. E. A. Johnson, Major John Brown Sr. (solider of the War of 1812), Caleb Thompson, Geo B. Bailey
Newspaper Ads: Miss B. Robison Fashionable Millinery and Bowlers Exchange located at 253 West Second (2nd) Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page talking about the Children's Home (Mound Park) located on Grant Street
Pictured: Orin Hewitt, Ben Woods, and Bob Gilliland
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Geo Wilhelm, Jos. Reed. Jas. Shackelford, Dr. Burr, T. J. Pursell, and Chas Pursell
Fuller Bros. Furniture Dealers located at 126 West Second (2nd) Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page talking about the Children's Home (Mound Park) located on Grant Street
Pictured: Orin Hewitt, Ben Woods, and Bob Gilliland
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page detailing the boys that would run the newspapers around town.
Ads: F. C. Goodwin- Dentist at 605 Chillicothe Street, The Magnolia Cafe, Pool, and Billiards on West Fourth (4th) Street, and the Portsmouth Shoe Company
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Frank Varner, Jula Marlowe (1905) Al Yaeger, Portsmouth Docks, F. B. Kehoe Flour, Feed, Lime & Salt Store, and the Queen City steamboat
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page talking about the Pabsts Orchestra and the events it participated in
Pictured: David Strahm and Walter C. Taylor
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: John Jones, Stephen Brodbeck
Melancholy Days: 1874 newspaper article about Portsmouth and surrounding area
Portsmouth and Local Businesses
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page giving a brief history of the M. G. Gilbert Grocery Store, started in the 1800's and located on Second (2nd) Street