Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 195. Shown is a typed page detailing events in the life of "Happy Joe" Jeffords, "Commander in Chief" of the Canal boats that brought corn to the distillery on the west side. Cole's Park; Deloss Larkins; Union Mills; Doc Hurd; New York Dry Dock and Steamboat Company; canal.
Pictured is E. J. Kenrick and the Johnson Hub & Spoke Factory, located on Chillicothe Street. The company began operation in May of 1868. Both images cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a black and white photo of the Officers and Directors for the First National Bank with a listing below; also, a black and white photo of an unknown baseball team (bottom).
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 194. Shown is an oval shaped photo of Moses Gregory (1801 to 1871). Gregory was an early citizen in Scioto County. Also a picture of J. C. Hibbs, founder of Hibbs Hardware, cut from Pictorial Portsmouth. Color postcard depicting a scene in the Taylorton Woods. This was where the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Taylor was located, near Rushtown. Mr. Taylor was the editor/ owner of the Portsmouth Times from around 1920 to 1930.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is the outside and inside of Turley Building, which housed the First National Bank in the early 1900's. Both photos have a frame around them. The Turley Building was located at Second (2nd) and Chillicothe. Also shown is a black and white photo cut from Pictorial Portsmouth of Hibbs Hardware Company, located on Sixth (6th) Street. The business was started by J. C. Hibbs.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Faded photograph of The Uncle Jimmy Woods Grocery, with typed description underneath: Third (3rd) and Chillicothe Streets- present site of the Hurth Hotel
Pictured: S. L. Gilbert, Buddy Wertz, Colonel John M. Higgins, and James Patterson. These pictures were cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured are two faded photographs. Top: an image of crowds enroute to the Sunday Tabernacle at the corner of Gallia and Lincoln Streets. The Second Presbyterian Church is in the background, at the corner of Waller and Eighth (8th) Streets. Below is the Johnson Hub and Spoke Factory on Chillicothe Street. The factory started in operation in 1868.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 192. Typed page giving information about the early African American churches. Prior to 1844, methodists used the "Academy." They then combined with the Spencer Chapel to form the Allen Chapel in 1837. John Cooper; Wesley Benson; J. Q. Weaver; Aunt Piety; Anna Kearns; Ben Johnson; William Harris. Reverend Peter Tolliver; Reverent Stansbury; Reverend Coleman.
Pictured: George J. Schmidt and P. M. Streich, cut from Pictorial Portsmouth.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page, Pictured is a Sunday Party with unknown individuals standing on a porch and Frank Legler, son of Fred Legler who was involved in the hotel business of Portsmouth. Picture cut from Pictorial Portsmouth.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured are two drawings. Top: "The Little Grand;" Dutch Mike; Buddy WErtz; Tom Collins; Soc Glaze; Joe Laws. Bottom: Dutch Mike's Place- Crusade 1877
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured are N & W Station, World War Scenes in black and white: Red Cross Nurses; Train Passing By. Also, black and white photo of "Judge" Crain. Newspaper Advertisements: William Gillett's on the corner of Second (2nd) and Court Streets; A. F. W. Schleifer, Physician and Surgeon at 412 Washington Street; Mary Allman, teacher of music at 75 West Third (3rd) Street; John Baron Hardware Dealer
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 190. Typed page with two articles. Top: details about Wood's London Butterscotch candy, began in 1860 by William Wood. He had a sideline by a grocery store at the corner of Front and Jefferson Streets. This was also called "Pig Iron Corner." Thomas P. Brown; Chit Conway.
Bottom story gives a brief history of Union Mills on the west side. Scioto River; Distillery; Jess Farley; Jake Becker; George Davis; Scioto River Bridge; steamer.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: black and white photo of Union Mills on the west side. The grist mill was built by Lemuel Moss in 1834. David Gibson built a distillery nearby in 1857. George Davis bought and operated both businesses from about 1860 until shortly before his death in 1894.