Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 251.
Typed page showing businesses and who owns and operates them along with recent deliveries or events.
Listed: Christian Sultzman; Helfenstein and Earl, Boots and Shoes on Market Street; Dr. G. W. Gibbs; M. Kehoe; J. C. Trotter; John Sherer Stove Manufacturer on Jefferson Street; N & B. F. Vigus; J. H. Wait Steam Furniture Factory on Second (2nd) and Jefferson Streets; Wilhelm and Van Meter; William Miller; P. Honiker in Massie Block; The Cricket; Dr. G. B. Bailey on Market Street; E. Miller; P. Nichols.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page.
Picture cut from Pictorial Portsmouth: Frank L. Marting, owner of Marting Brothers Company, located at 515 Chillicothe Street and 12-16 W 6th Street. At Marting's, one could find dry goods, millinery, cloaks, carpets, shoes, and more.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 250. Pictured is a listing of prominent Portsmouth citizens and business owners from "25 years ago," although it's unclear what year is expected to be going back from. Listed: Professor Graham at the Business College; the Grand Opera House at Fourth (4th) and Chillicothe Streets; Masonic Temple at Third (3rd) and Washington; High School building on Gallia Street; Will Williamson, County Sheriff; Burgess Iron and Steel Mill; George Walters, Deputy Post Master; James W. Newman; Central Bank; J. M. Stockham Coal Business at Second (2nd) and Court; Floyd McCormak; General Assembly; John K. Duke; Royal Building and Loan Association; the Elks Building on Second (2nd) and Court; First National Bank on Market Street; John Peebles; Portsmouth National Bank; Water Works on Mill Street
"City to Be Pictured in Cincinnati Paper" newspaper article talking about Portsmouth's picture that was planned to be in the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page giving details about businesses that used to occupy the site of the Marting Bros. Company (1872)
Listed: William Stoll; Bender Brothers; Charles Winter; Henry and John Brushart; George Helt; George Fisher; Beard and Noel; Phil Streich Pharmacy; Layher's Brewery; Frank Kleffner; Dr. Schwab; Metzger & Company Carriage Shop.
Pictures cut from Pictorial Portsmouth: Stephen Brodbeck, Colonel John A. Turley, M. R. Tewksbury, and Father Walker
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page.
Wedding Invitation of Charlotte Thompson and Oscar W. Newman at All Saints Church on June 19, 1894
Handwritten Reception Card.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 248.
Black and white photo of Newsboys; Pictures cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book: the Ohio Valley Bank located at the corner of Chillicothe and Sixth (6th) Streets; Ashland Coal Company; Vincent Brodbeck; George Johnson
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Lines on the Death of Ella Russell, who died November 23, 1863. She was only eight years old. Below is a poem for the girl.
Bottom: Reception Card, names listed on a reception card for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Terry on Tuesday, June the Fourteenth at 8 o'clock. Miss Check, Miss Evans, Miss Sheppard, Mr. Dickey.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 247.
Pictured: colored postcard showing the Central Presbyterian Church. Established as German Presbyterian Church of Portsmouth in 1866, services were conducted in German until 1909. The first service in this building at Twenty-Third (23rd) and Waller Streets was April 2, 1927. The church closed in January of 2012.
Pictures cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book: A. C. Woodrow, Captain E. B. Moore, J. Scott Peebles, Joshua Wheeler, Colonel Oliver Wood.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Wedding Invitation for Persis McClain and Dr. Frank Burr Mallory on August 31, 1893
Picture of Butch White and a picture cut from Pictorial Portsmouth of Dr. A. B. Jones
Picture cut from Pictorial Portsmouth: Adam Giesler's Meat Market. Adam Geisler came to this city in July 1866, direct from Rhenish Bavaria, Germany. He was 20 years old, but had learned the butcher's trade in Germany, and at once began business with Hilderbrand & Worley, soon after purchasing Mr. Worley's interest and becoming a partner of Mr. Hildebrand. This partnership lasted 7 years, when Mr. Giesler purchased the entire plant.
Picture cut from Pictorial Portsmouth: the Pythian Temple Building
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 246. Pictured is a typed page separated into two sections. The first one is about efforts taken by the Ladies Union Soldiers Relief Circle in order to procure the funds for the Monument in Tracy Park
The second section is about the Daily Evening Tribune and a story about a stagecoach that left Piketon
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Wedding Announcement for Richard Bentley Lloyd and Ada Harvuot on April 28, 1886 in Savannah, Ohio
Pictured: A. O. Bing, Dr. McDowell, Prof. Blumenschein, and an unknown man