Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a page of Portsmouth business advertisements cut from a newspaper.
Finlay Brewing Company
Magnolia Cafe
Wig's Perfection 5 Cent Cigar
Bybee's Restaurant on Chillicothe Street
Frank C. Miller Druggist at the corner of Ninth (9th) and Waller Streets
The Portsmouth Brewing and Ice Company on Second (2nd) Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: List of names for unknown reason. Lute Fulton; William Emmett; Andy Emnett; Jake Bassler; James Molster; William Stokley; William Wilson; Chip Young; Lou McCord; Luther Miller; Anton Giesler; Pres Lodwick; John Gilgen; H. T. Hatten; John Neudoerfer; Enos Moore; Maurice Pursell; F. W. Sturdivant; James Brennen; Moses Beard; Dr. Teachner; Professor Friesner; Jordan Stockham; John Abbott; Nic Freyermouth; George Drovillard; Bob Lodwick; Bob Lloyd; Honas Appler; Frank Welty; Chance Wilson; Charles Rauch Jr.; Charles Zwick; Gus Layher; Jake Pressler; William Wilson; Peter Monaghan; Fred Stearns; Frank Duduit; W. L. Reed; Samuel Adams; Abner Pyles; Lohr Baker; Wilbur Bing; Charles Towse; Henry Potter; Barnet Gately; Professor George Long; James Warren; George Nicodemus; Tom Taeger; Gus Williams; Max Wise; Al Grimes; Joe Galion; O. D. Foster; Gus Blum; Dr. Wagner; Jesse Gibbs; Scott Hummel; Dennis Conroy; Captain Lilly; Dan Fox; Joe Huston; Adley Brown; Phil Hands; Dave Kaylor; William Masterson; Moses Salsbury; Professor Lowes; John Warheit; Power Brown; George Weber; Karl Best; A. Max; Dick Barry; Tom Conroy; Pete Rieder; Rudy Kountz; Alex Adkins; Leslie Turley; S. G. Miller; Ned Peebles; Charles Bradford; Lou Shuler; H. Bostwick; Barney Friel; Frank Strayer; Ben DAvis; Fred Strauss; Frank Kleffner; Byron Grimes; J. J. Bridges; Shirley Grimes; George Kugleman; Jules Faivre; D. P. Pratt; Joseph Bratt; Charles Welch; John Mohr; Charles Findies; Ed Woodrow; Doc Raegan; Bob Clare; Theo Johnson; Russell Tewksbury; Henry Uhl; Will Cunning; George K. Ross; Frank Draper; Charles Crichton; Charles Higgens; Ben Bratt; Fred Herzog; Leon Eisman; Joe Bennett; N. B. West; Carl Lehman; Ed. Gowdy; Ed Johnson; Joe Blum; Charles Davis; Ed Neill' Will Drake; Henry Nafleison; Henry Wise; Phil Daum; Henry Ehret; George Dennis; Will Calder; Thomas Dinsmore; Will Bolles; Mike Goodman; Percy Wilhelm; Charles Figleshaler; Fred Tritscheller; Lou Lutz; Robert Fulton; Dr. Lottridge; Charles Jack; Hal Welch; Henry Brushart; Charles O. Woods; Dick Maddock; T. B. Blake; Charles Crain; S. B. timmonds; Sam Baird; Herman Herms; Howard French; Dodgy Heid; Lou Nichols; Fred Miexner; Fred Meyer; Stewart Johnson; Walter Gibson; Al Wilhelm; Burgess Law; Emanuel Sheflin; Dan Shakespeare; Will Gillett; Al Kehoe; C. T. Powers; Clarence Cadot; Mike Heid; Frank Foster; Dave Little; Frank Emlong; Val Heisel; George Evans; John White; Fred Ball; Will Kehrer; Billy Kerr; Squire Gilson
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: List of Names ( Background)
Black and white photo of an unknown Group of Men
Photo cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book of the Portsmouth Cycle Club
"Happy New Year" 1886 card
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a sketch of William Beverly Anderson cut from a newspaper. Anderson was born in Kentucky in 1859. His father, George W. Anderson, had a successful shoe store in Portsmouth, and William joined him in 1874, after being a farmer for years. He remained in the business until his father's death in 1895. William took over the shoe store after this.
Also picture: newspaper advertisement for Edward T. Welch Wholesale Confectioner on Second (2nd) Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Funeral Notice for John Doerr, owner of Doerr Hardware Store on Second (2nd) Street. Item is aged paper with black border around notice.
Advertisement for C. P. Tracy Company on West Front Street cut from newspaper.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Picture Of Oscar F. Wilhelm, Mary Lennon, George Walter, and Edward Butler, arranged in a circular design, cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book.
Black and white photo of the Willian Grimes Residence
Black and white photo showing a scene from the Labor Day Parade
Black and white picture of a Sunday scene of C. F. Chicago.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page:
Black and white photos of Charles Doerr and Mrs. Gregory
Also pictured is a cut out headline from the newspaper the Daily-Evening Tribune, dated Friday, May 25, 1855
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a drawing of Major Huston and below is a colorized postcard showing a rural scene near Portsmouth, Ohio
Photo image of scrapbook page 233. Pictured is a black and white photo image of men on a cleared hillside with the words "Start To Build the Scioto Valley Railroad; John B. Gregory, Contractor" written below. The Scioto Valley Railroad laid down the first tracks in the mid 1800's.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: the Germania Fire com. No. 3, cut from Pictorial Portsmouth.
Also pictured: unknown black and white Baby Pictures
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 232.
Pictured is the Grand Opera House Program For "Bound By Oath" on December 14, 1901. The Grand Opera House was located at 404 Chillicothe Street.
Also shown, black and white photos of an unknown young girl and a gentleman.
Below that is a photo of A. Bentley cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book.