Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a black and white photo image of George Waller & Bride 1847 and Funeral Notice for James W. Riggs on Wednesday 10, 1856
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is four black and white photos of different Portsmouth businesses. Shown: Burt & Hall at the Southeast corner of Chillicothe and Third (3rd) Streets; Stahler Brothers at Third and Market Streets; Residence of Chas. S. Green; and James A. Maxwell, Flour, Grain & Feed
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page giving information about P. T. Barnum's Circus "The Greatest Show on Earth;" Mr. Daum's building contributions to Portsmouth; A River Scene with steamboats. First National Bank; Brushart Building; Dry Goods Store; F. C. Herms Company; Win Nye; Triangle Drug Store; Ohio Valley Bank Room; Daum's Hall
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is Vallee Harold, Editor for "The Daily Times;" Program of the First Convention District No. 68, I. O. O. F. for Monday, December 28, 1903
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page telling about when the Portsmouth Weekly Times (1875) was published in Massie Block by James W. Newman; Newt Robinson. John Mathews; Gus Williams; W. G. Cooper' "Uncle Jerry;" Milford Keyes; Gus Barlow; C. E. Irwin; the Valley Blade; J. E. Valjean; Jed Wolfe; J. B. Carter
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is the Highland School; Card for Ice Cream Candies Shop, owned by Chas. Grassman at 715 Chillicothe Street; Campbell Avenue School
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page about Judge Salters. The typed page offers information about Judge Salters and a pictured, that is not shown. Selby Shoe Company; Venerable Jurist; Reverend Charles Bethauser; Reverend Peters; Dr. G. S. B. Hempstead; Mrs. Colonel T. J. Graham; Mrs. Henry Hall; School Board; Mrs. Edward Mulligan; Mrs. Ashton; Mrs. Glidden; Miss Waller; Mrs. Bratt; Professor M. S. Campbell; Professor Huber; Professor Friazner; George Long; Ad for W. W. Little & Company
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is the C. C. Bode Granite Company at 60 Gallia Street; Will S. Sellards & Co, Drug Store; N & W Railway Y. M. C. A.; Prof. W. R. Graham; Interior View of the Water Works
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page giving details about the Cincinnati Enquirer and some local newsboys in the area. M. &. C. Train; Abe, George, Mayer, and Julius Seeberger; E. l. Gates; George Watkins; Brunner's Corner; F. Vigus; W. E. Hancock; Reed and Duduit; Henry Klingman
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is Calling Cards and Wedding Invitation for Louise Brushart and Clifford Musser Kinney on October 28, 1908. The wedding was to take place at All Saints' Church
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page giving information about the festivities that came after ground was broken for the Scioto Valley Railroad in 1878 on the Hempstead Hospital site. There was a large gathering. Col. Peter Kinney gave a speech, and a gala was held. Also pictured is Reverend Franklin. John b. Gregory; John G. Peebles; John P. Terry; Colonel Peter Kinney; Mount Tabor; George D. Chapman