Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about local residents; H. S. Grimes; Dr. Shackelford; H. W. Miller; F. B. M. Corson; Dr. F. B. Mussey; Trus Lynn; Dan Rice; S. R. Ross; Leet Lumber Co. at Seventh and Chillicothe; Carl Lehman; Frank M. Smith; Citizens Bank; Joseph Wheeler; First Methodist Church
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about property changes at the corner of Washington and Fourth (4th) Streets; Emma Bell's Kindergarten; saloon; beer garden; Dr. Gibson; Charles Reed; Charles Richardson; Charles Richman; Edward Weir; Parker Rigenberich; Ernest Blumenshein; Martha Peebles; Clara Simpson; Gertrude Clark; James O. Murfin; Offnere Hope; Charlotte Bannon; Louise Dever; Children of Mr. and Mrs. Pursell; John Eisman's children; children of E. B. moore; Raymond York; Bertha Reed; W. H. Bonsall; A. McFarland's children; Dr. Field's children; Amy Thompson; Fannie Smith; Hiram Williamson; Captain Wash Williamson; Reliance; Handy; Ohio Canal boats
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: George Helfenstein; J. M. Laird; S. B. Drouillard; Dr. Bing; J. A. Weatherwax; Eli Dickinson; Adam Giesler's Meat Market
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about Local Businesses and Merchants; Hon. A. C. Thompson; Second (2nd) Street; Court Street; A. M. Damarin; Central House; W. A. Conolly; Mathias Kricker; James Richardson; George Fisher; George Daum
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: John Biegel; Newt Robinson; Louis Adair; William Whitney; Dr. Mussey; John Jones; A. Brunner & Sons Card
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: typed page about early local politics; Union Meeting at Lucasville; Col. O. F. Moore; Thomas McCauskin; Joseph Gilbert; Democratic Club; Union Rangers; July Fourth Celebrations by the Franklin Institute; Moore, Newman & Johnson Law Firm; Franklin Celebration; A. C. Davis Sr.; Declaration of Independence
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about two prominent local residents: Col. Moore and Thomas McCauslin; Francis Cleveland; Mrs. George O. Newman; Mrs. George O. Newman; Mrs. James W. Newman; Clay Moore; Thomas McCauslin; Hon. Edwin M. Stanton; David Sinton; Edward F. Jordan;
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: N. J. Dever; Julius Esselborn; Theodore K. Funk; W. F. Clarke; William Kinney; Sam Jones; M. B. Gilbert; J. W. Mitchell; the Portsmouth Blade; C. E. Erwin, early editor of the Republican
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page giving details about Joseph C. Gilbert; Little German Bands; J. W. Mitchell and his Contributions
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about Dr. Hempstead and Mr. Lynn's Horse; Bell's Hill; Currier and Ives; Dan Rice; Mr. Lynn; Governor Sprague