Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. E.B. Greene and Wife; Football Schedule (1928); Portsmouth High School; Greenlawn Cemetery; David C. Lettle; Low Owner's Ticket; L.F. Lemon & Co
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 231. Thomas McCollester; Printer; The Times; Local Agent; Cincinnati Post; J.J. McFarlin; Blacksmith; School Board; Emma (1828); Frank; Reed and Peebles; William Jordan; Isaac Miller; Martin Becker; Trus Lynn's Livery Stable; Henry Maule; Grocer; Front Street; Mayer; Rabb; Barber Shop; Wurster's Drug Store; Edward; Der Correspondent; A. Brummer & Bro; Market Street; Sixth (6th) Street; German Paper; Reed Bros. (Samuel and Joseph G.)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Lou Lutz; James Lodwick; The Associated Banks; William Lodwick; Payment (1816); Treasurer of the Corporation of Portsmouth; The Town of Portsmouth; Ten Dollars
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 230. John Row; Biggs House (1856); Taylor House; W.H.H. Taylor; United States Hotel; Sam'l Reed; Elden's; W.S. Brown & Son; Front Street; Market Street; Grocery; Giles Gilbert Jr.; Massie Block; the Tribune; C.P. Chandler & Co (1850); Louis Adair; Lydia Adair; Post Mistress; Rev. Allgood; Baptist Church (1856); Daily Times (1894); Standard Time (18960; Ohio Military Academy (1889); Col. A. L. Bressler
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 229. The Lafayette House; Third (3rd) Street; Market Street; Frank Welty; John Tillow; Front Street; Grocer; No. 78; Lou Terry; Tracy & Davis; Merchant; Second (2nd) Street; Henry Davis; Proprietor; Washington Works; Mill Street; John O'Connor; William Prendergast; Fred Pelhank; Clothier; Pursell and Gordon; Glassware; Palmer and Lawson; Confectioners; Ras. Palmer; J. Paul & Co; Lloyd Building; Geo. Philippi; Watch Maker; Jefferson Street; David Patton; Burgess Mill; Y.M.C.A.; Vincent Building
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 228. Fred Legler; White Bear; The Eagle; Legler House; Charles; Hotel Portsmouth; Charles Ludgate; Biggs House; John Eisman; A.C. Sells; Lehman & Bros; Front Street; Marcus Lehman; Clerk; Metzger & Co; Carriage Makers; M. Kricker Co; Sixth (6th) Street; Chillicothe; Steven Morrow; A.W. Buskirk's; George Davis; Mark B. Wells; Thos. McClausin (1850); P.H. Murray; D.N. Murray & Co; R.L. Melcher; Grocer; Corner Book Store; Fred Nuernberger; Brass Band; William McClain; Bonanza
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Masonic Temple Fire December 6, 1925 at the corner of Chillicothe and Fourth (4th) Streets. It was rebuilt to only four floors to house Kobackers Department Store in 1928 and Desco in 1981; Co G 56'' O.V.I.; Reunion (1885)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 227. Charles Kehrer; Merchant Tailor; Front Street; Jefferson Street; O'Neill & Hunter; Stove Dealers; Market Street; The City Directory (1856); Peter Kinney; Market Street; State Bank; Leo Glockner; Grocery; Bakery; Fourth (4th) Street; Moses Gregory; Railroad Contractor; J.B. Gregory; Civil Engineer; Edward N. Hope; Clerk; S.R. Ross's; Coal Business; Captain W.W. Little; Jesse Hurd; Steamboat Captain; James Hannahs; St. Charles; Hank Burton; Steamboat Cook; Phil Hise (1856); Police Force; Thomas Keogh; Court Street; Dr. H. Kantzleben; Druggist; John M. Lynn; Molder; Eberhards Stove Foundry; Massie
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 226. Henry Grassman; George H. Gafft (1855); Robert Bryan; A.C. Post; John M. Herder; Mrs. George Helt; S.D. Bishop; James Ross; City Directory (1856); Mr. Ape; Mr. Bee; Henry Bertram Sr.; Barton & Biggs; Brown Reed & Co; James Salsbury