Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 218. B.L. Jefferson; Huston Corner; Second (2nd) Street; Court Street; Elk Building; The Eagles; Phil M. Streich; Sixth (6th) Street; Dr. Louis Schwab; Dr. McDowell; Captain Kepner; Steamboat Builder; Knittel's Bakery; Dr. Shackelford; B.L. Jefferson & Co (1858); Market Street; Second (2nd) Street; Retail Store; Front Street; Jefferson Street; Knittel Baking Co; Chris Keborz; Sixth (6th) Street; Findlay Street; A. Freytag; Sewing Machine; G.D. Selby; Soap and Candle Factory; Jacob Zottman
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 217. Mrs. Amanda Pursell; War; St. Marys Church (1871); Railway Storage Year (1860s); First Catholic Church; Madison Street; Third (3rd) Street; The Church of the Nativity; German; Irish; Holy Redeemer Church; Sixth (6th) Street; Gilbert's Ice House; Fifth (5th) Street; First National Bank; Hub and Spoke Factory; Johnson & Son; Reed Brothers; Livery Stable; John Dice
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 216. William I. Gray & Co (1870s); H. P. Yaeger; Market Street; Washington Hotel; John Cornwell; Huston Stone Front; J.P. Nevins; James Harty; Harty Spring Works; Tenth (10th) Street; Dr. Strait; Board of Trade; E.J. Corson; Ninth (9th) Street; Waller Street; Kitty; James McCann; Gas Company; Cheap John
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 215. Army of West Virginia; Camp Sill; Fair Grounds; Offnere, Tenth (10th) and Robinson Avenue; C.& O. Train; Ferry Boat; Ohio River; My Old Kentucky Home; Camp Grounds; Third (3rd) Street; Gay Street; Portsmouth Planning Mill; Manufacturing Company; George Millar; Carre's Planing Mill; Front Street; Court Street; Burke Fender & Co; South Portsmouth; Orville Grant; Buckhorn Tannery; Galena Pike; Grant Cole's Cabin; Fire (1880s); S.O. Titus
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pat Corbett; Unidentified Man; Mrs. John Ratliff; Joseph Stockley; Pat Kendrick; Reading War Bulletins at Wurster's Drug Store
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 214. Prof. Carney (1870s); Business College; Spry Building; E.W. Smith; Dan McFarland Building; J.W. Grooms; C.D. Elden; Merchant Block; Billy Grooms; Prof. Smith; Wilbur; Building Association (The German); Turner Hall; Third (3rd) Street; Masonic Temple; Washington Street; Gallia Market House (1880); Gallia Square; Gay Street; Sixth (6th) Street; Edward T. Welch
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. An Old Print of Portsmouth, Ohio; Henry McIntyre; Capt. Samuel A. Currie; Riverside Military Academy (The West Point of Ohio)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 213. Peter Kinney; 627 Front Street; W.H. Barbee; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Burt; Colonel Kinney; Fullerton; Mr. Tabor; Aaron Kinney; Episcopal Convention; Frank White's Barber Shop; Burton & Kendall; Miss Emma Bell; Lodwick & Dunlap; F.C. Herms