Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 135. 1820; Filmore Musser; John G. Peebles; Water Street; Front Street; Second (2nd) Street; Back Street; Scioto Street; Massie Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 137. 1860-1890s; Front Street; The Gaylord Mill; Civil War; Ben B. Gaylord; John P. Terry; J.B. Greene; William Harris; Charles Price; Phineas Stone; Ben Fisher; Charles Simpson; Crad Phillips; Louis Bloneyer; Charles Sittner; Conrad Wamser; Peter Monaghan; Patterson Book Bindery; J.W. Dunham; F. C. Herms; William Bradley; Gaylord
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 133. 1880; Members; Frank Goltz; John Reider; Aug. Arnold; Adam Reider; Frank Emlong; Charles Young; John Reeg; Fred Goltz; Lou Rolstein; Henry Bassler; David Seel; Adam Bobst; William Goltz; Mage Frederick; John Andres ?; Joseph Bihlman; Chief; Raid Fire Department
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 93. 1930; Captain Chris G. Young; Ohio River; Captain McClain; Captain McGuire; Captain Kepner; Befo de War; Captain E. B. Moore; Pilot Samuel Moore; Captain W.P. Ripley; Lon McFarland; Captain McAllister; Bob; John Martin; Charley Brown; John G. Neill; Press Lodwick; Jim Patterson; Lon Burt; Captain Wash Williams; Roby McCall; Reliance; Thomas Dugan; Fannie; Mart Timmonds; Boat Store; Ben Johnson; Bob and Shep Kearns; Addison Haley; Shank Lewis; Ben Lewis; Aunt Charlotte Parker; John Steele; Alex Hunster; Frank White; Wm. Harrison; John Dixon; John Lodwick (1861); Wharf Boat; P.C. Gunn; W.S. McColm; Frank B Kehoe; ; Henry Potter; Al Holt; Conrad Neal; Hotel Porters
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. 2nd Presbyterian Church; William Kinney; John Brodt; Fitzsimmons One of the Riversides; Simeon Evans; Thomas P. Brown
Scanned scrapbook page showing a long typed poem to Philo S. Clark Esq., Postmaster of Portsmouth is at the left. At the right is an advertisement for Padan Bros. & Co., manufacturers of Ladies and Misses fine shoes and oxfords. A photo of Captain Henry Lantz is at the lower right corner, cut from one of Lorberg's publications for his scrapbooks.