Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 11. West Side of Market Street; Taylor House; Biggs House; Wash and Wood Rooms; Barber Shop; Dick Helcher's Fruit Stand; Horses (1860); President Jackson; Henry Clay; President Zachary Taylor; United States Hotel; Thomas G. Calvert; Cemetery Hill
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 12. Uncle Jimmy Woods Grocery; Third (3rd) Street; Chillicothe Street; Hotel Hurth; West Side Market; Man Unknown
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Steel and Iron Works; L. C. Robinson; M. H. Ball; G. W. Weyer; Burgess; Stoves and Tin; 'Huston Corner"; Second (2nd) and Court Streets (1876)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. O. A. Lodwick; E. B. Lodwick; Riverside Base Ball Club; Scioto Bottoms (1875); Kelly; Huddleson; Bunting; Reilly; Fitzsimmons; Sears; Gallagher; Davis; Lodwick; River City (1866); Waller Woods; John Wilhelm; Geo. W. Helfenstien; Pat Corbett; Sam'l Harper; Jerry Hall; Edw. Kelly; Dan Spry; Thomas P. Brown
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Shown: George H. Gaffy and Dr. Crees, both images cut from Pictorial Portsmouth. Also shown are sepia photos of Dr. Crees; Etta Draper; John Ratcliff. Also pictured is "Father" McDowell, cut from Pictorial Portsmouth.
Also there is a color postcard showing Bigelow M. E. Church.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Shown is a sepia tone photo showing Horse Car; Tenth (10th) Street; Offnere Street; John Abbott's Zoo.
Also shown: Hook and Ladder Co.; Hose and Engine Co., cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 15. Pictured is a color postcard showing Raven Rock: Daniel Boone's Lookout. Also, George Gharky; Frank Robinson; Frank Glover; General Jacob Smith, all cut from Pictorial Portsmouth book, and a black and white photo of John (last name unreadable).
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. shown is a sepia photo of the Odd Fellows Going to Ironton (1877); also shown is a color postcard: The Ohio Valley; America's Beautyland; Ohio River Scene Showing Dyke.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Shown are newspaper advertisements for J. L. Hibbs & Co. and B. F. Cunningham. also shown is a black and white photo of a group of baseball players.