Black and white photo image of guests of the Eli Lilly and Company Research Laboratories in Indianapolis, Indiana. Names on back: Dr. and Mrs. Laestar, Carl and Kathleen Braunlin, Clyde and Hilda Fitch, Dr. and Mrs. Tatje, Dr. and Ruth Berndt, Dr. and Mrs. Blume, Jerry and Jean Sheets, Mrs. and Ralph Lewis, Dr. and Nellie Weems, Mrs. Singleton, Dr. Micklethwaite, Paul and Ruth Bennett, Chester Allen, Joe and Doris Gohman, Richard and Ann Wagner, and Dr. Singleton.
Black and white photo of members of the Scioto County Medical Society in 1971. Pictured: Dr. Chester Allen, Dr. Richard Wagner, Dr. Carl Braulin, Dr. Ruth Bennett, Dr. Jerome Sheets.