Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Engine Co. No. 1-Truck Col. No. 1, Seventh (7th) Street; and Northwest Corner Second (2nd) and Court Streets, 1884
Scanned page 133 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text discussing the early coaches that ran from Portsmouth to Chillicothe, Newark, Cleveland and Pittsburgh; the Valley Inn in Lucasville.
A card with '84 printed on it; a clipping for J. R. Pennington, Dentist; a clipping that reads "Monrning Star" with Republican printed over a star; a black & white image of Geo. E. Kricker.
Scanned page 136 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text about John Lindsey and his family who were the second family to settle in Scioto County.
Scanned page 137 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text about John Lindsey and his family who were the second family to settle in Scioto County.
Bottom: Clippings of ads for Johnson, Hub and Spoke Company; and C. D. Selby, Sweing Machines.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a printed chart in inches of rainfall observed in Portsmouth by D. B. Cotton, M. D., 1830-1887. Clippings of ads for businesses: Prof. J. P. Czerwinsky, Vocal and Instrumental Music teacher; Adam Wise, Portsmouth Beer; Harper & Richards; Attorneys and Counselors at Law; Barton & Tucker, General Dealers in Real Estate; Portsmouth Saw Mill, Geo Mussetter & Co.; Enoch J. Salt & Co., Portsmouth Woolen Mills.
Black & white image of Market Street looking south toward the river.
Scanned page 138 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of the public wells that used to serve Portsmouth: Market & Front Streets; John Brown Well; Pond's Extract; The Ball Well.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a black & white image of Power Brown, Wm. McMonigle; Chas. Reed, and John Georgia Cook; a clipping of an ad for Solar Tips from C.P. Tracy & Co. shoes; a black & white image of Mrs. Nellie Crain Mahen; ad clippings for D. L. Jones, Druggist, and M. & S. Timmonds, wholesale and retail.
Scanned page 139 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of the public wells that used to serve Portsmouth: Gaylord Mill, frequented by Wm. Harris, Ben Fisher, Crad Phillips, Chas. Simpson, Chas. Pratt, Woods Simpson, Louiis Bloomeyer, Chas Bittner, Conrad Wamser, Joe Gang, Joe Rase, Phin Stone, and others until the mill was removed and York Park was built.
Bottom: black & white image of "Huston Corner" at Second (2nd) and Court Streets, 1876; and an ad clipping for Zottman's German Soap.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a black & white photo of a group in the woods in front of a tent: Stanley Pritchard, RX. D. York, Paul Franklin, Rigdon Hall, Raymond Lewis, Frank Alger, Louis Corson, Chas. McGuire, Jas. Melvin, Chef. A program for an Organ Recital at German M. E. Church in 1893. A black & white illustration of the Palace Restaurant (located at 151 West Second (2nd) Street, George H. Freshell,owner). A clipping of an ad for Portsmouth Brewery, Roettscher & Maier.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white photograph of Portsmouth from the junction of the Scioto and Ohio Rivers.