Scanned page 158 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text describing the homes of Washington Kinney.
Black & white photo of Mill Street after the 1884 flood; a business card for Clark & Baumgardner, horse shoers, and a black & white photo of John White.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Andrew Fisher and W. Scott Todd. Clippings of advertisements for David A. Alspaugh; C. W. Gapson's; and S. O. Titus, Flour, Grain, Hay, Salt.
Scanned page 159 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a spelling match held between teachers and lawyers at the Court House. Participants included: J. B. Pollitt; Wm. Reid; Duncan LIvintstone; Martin Crain; Jno. J. Glidden; Sam. J. Huston; Robert N. Spry; Chas. McFarland; Noah J. Dever; S. G. McCullough; R. A. Calvert; Wm. Waller; J. P. Purdum; Dan'l Ryan; F. C. Searl; Sam M. Johnson; Jura Fullerton; O. F. More; Jno. M. Lynn, J. J. McFarlin; Mrs. Glidden; Mrs. Gatterman; Mrs. Ashton; Miss Bratt; Miss Watkins; Miss Barklow; Miss Waller; Miss Lewis; Miss Vigue; Miss Burne; Miss Wheeler; Miss Switzer; Miss Kettle; Miss Sheldon; Miss Johnson; Miss Ball; Mrs. Mokeon; Mrs. Mulligan; Miss O'Neill; Miss Lynn; Miss Alice Hayes; Miss Jennie Moran.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of John E. Williams and a ticket to Commencement Exercises of Portsmouth High School at Wilhelm's Opera House in 1883.
Scanned page 160 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a spelling match held between teachers and lawyers at the Court House. Participants included: J. B. Pollitt; Wm. Reid; Duncan LIvintstone; Martin Crain; Jno. J. Glidden; Sam. J. Huston; Robert N. Spry; Chas. McFarland; Noah J. Dever; S. G. McCullough; R. A. Calvert; Wm. Waller; J. P. Purdum; Dan'l Ryan; F. C. Searl; Sam M. Johnson; Jura Fullerton; O. F. More; Jno. M. Lynn, J. J. McFarlin; Mrs. Glidden; Mrs. Gatterman; Mrs. Ashton; Miss Bratt; Miss Watkins; Miss Barklow; Miss Waller; Miss Lewis; Miss Vigue; Miss Burne; Miss Wheeler; Miss Switzer; Miss Kettle; Miss Sheldon; Miss Johnson; Miss Ball; Mrs. Mokeon; Mrs. Mulligan; Miss O'Neill; Miss Lynn; Miss Alice Hayes; Miss Jennie Moran.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of Miss. Judith Watkins and Pupils. Clipped advertisements for Jones House, G. W. Jones; H. Eberhardt & Co., Scioto Foundery; Munn & Brown; Cabinetmakers' Union, Gutav Weyl; O.F. Waterhouse, Hides and Leather; R. S. Maklem, City Livery.
Scanned page 161 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a spelling match held between teachers and lawyers at the Court House. Participants included: J. B. Pollitt; Wm. Reid; Duncan LIvintstone; Martin Crain; Jno. J. Glidden; Sam. J. Huston; Robert N. Spry; Chas. McFarland; Noah J. Dever; S. G. McCullough; R. A. Calvert; Wm. Waller; J. P. Purdum; Dan'l Ryan; F. C. Searl; Sam M. Johnson; Jura Fullerton; O. F. More; Jno. M. Lynn, J. J. McFarlin; Mrs. Glidden; Mrs. Gatterman; Mrs. Ashton; Miss Bratt; Miss Watkins; Miss Barklow; Miss Waller; Miss Lewis; Miss Vigue; Miss Burne; Miss Wheeler; Miss Switzer; Miss Kettle; Miss Sheldon; Miss Johnson; Miss Ball; Mrs. Mokeon; Mrs. Mulligan; Miss O'Neill; Miss Lynn; Miss Alice Hayes; Miss Jennie Moran.
Scanned page 162 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a spelling match held between teachers and lawyers at the Court House. Participants included: J. B. Pollitt; Wm. Reid; Duncan LIvintstone; Martin Crain; Jno. J. Glidden; Sam. J. Huston; Robert N. Spry; Chas. McFarland; Noah J. Dever; S. G. McCullough; R. A. Calvert; Wm. Waller; J. P. Purdum; Dan'l Ryan; F. C. Searl; Sam M. Johnson; Jura Fullerton; O. F. More; Jno. M. Lynn, J. J. McFarlin; Mrs. Glidden; Mrs. Gatterman; Mrs. Ashton; Miss Bratt; Miss Watkins; Miss Barklow; Miss Waller; Miss Lewis; Miss Vigue; Miss Burne; Miss Wheeler; Miss Switzer; Miss Kettle; Miss Sheldon; Miss Johnson; Miss Ball; Mrs. Mokeon; Mrs. Mulligan; Miss O'Neill; Miss Lynn; Miss Alice Hayes; Miss Jennie Moran.
Bottom: Black & White image of McKinley Memorial at the Court House
Scanned page 163 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text about The Andes House at Third (3rd) and Market Streets. Built by Major Reiniger, financed by Cas. S. Green; and run by Chance Wilson, later W. H. H. Taylor (Horse-shoe Taylor) when the name of the building was changed to the Central House.