The Scioto Star Fire Brick Company was in Sciotoville, Ohio between the river and the railroad. It was incorporated in 1872 with John Peebles as president. The 13 acre plant made Fire Brick, Clay In-walls and Hearths for blast furnaces, tiles of all sizes, Arch, Key and Wedge, Circular and Split Brick from the very best Scioto Clay --from the Portsmouth Blade Industrial Edition, 1898
The Scioto County Children's Home was located on Grant Street between Hutchins and Grandview Avenue.
The Portsmouth Blade newspaper ran from 1879-1914. The building was located at 119 West Second Street.
The Ohio Stove Company was located at Eleventh (11th) and Chillicothe Streets. It manufactured cooking and heating stoves until the 1950's. It is now known as OSCO Industries, at the same location, and designs and produces gray iron castings for a wide variety of commercial customers.