Black and white photo image postcard of a large group of people at the Lancaster Campground in Lancaster, Ohio.
Although not identified, Jane Walbright (Sciotoville) is in crowd. Back of card indicates it was pasted in a scrapbook. Front: "Portsmouth, Dis. E. L. 1938, Lancaster Camp Ground, O."
Black and white photo postcard of classmates at Sciotoville Elementary School. One identified: front row, 1st on left is Jane Walbright, 6 years. Back of card indicates that it was pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white photo image of Claude Dale Marsh, class of 1942, Portsmouth East High School. Played for the Sciotoville Red Sox. Back of photo indicates it was pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white portrait photo image of Maxcella Hood, class of 1941, and Dale Marsh, class of 1942, Portsmouth East High School. Married 1943. Back indicates that photo had been pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white photo image of Louie (Louis) Carson on tennis court in Allard Park, class of 1940. Back indicates that photo had been pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white photo image of Earl Rankin, Jr. (1940) leaning on auto. Girl to left is Jane Walbright (class of 1940). Back of photo indicates was pasted in a scrapbook.
Sepia tone photo image of "Captain" Roma "Romie" Lee Walker, number 17, of 1941 Portsmouth East High School Football team. Back indicates photo was pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white photo image of Portsmouth East High School Coach, John Moore at the stadium. Back of photo indicates it has been pasted in a scrapbook.
Black and white photo image copy of 5 young ladies at Allard Park. Identified as: standing; Rita Martin, 1942. kneeling; Jackie Frecka, 1940. Sitting: Virginia "Gin" Snyder, 1940; Jane Walbright, 1941. (behind Jane) Jeanette Snyder, 1941. (copy made by Shannon Snyder-Millhuff)