copper token with "A. A Hanson, 1" on one side; "Ingle System pat. 1909 1 trade" on other side. Alfred A. Hanson was a west end grocer, after moving his store to a new location in May 1923, he died October 8, 1923.
copper token with hole in center. "Winfield's Confectionery" on one side and "Good for 5¢ in trade" on other. Located at 2105 Gallia Street and owned by William Wingfield.
a copper token with "Handicap Bowling Classic" and leaf spray with bowling pins at bottom on one side; "Compliments of Selby Reg. Room, Portsmouth, Ohio, 1939," on other side. Tarnished with hole at the top as if worn.
brown plastic key fob with silver vintage Russwin key. Fob has "Hurth Hotel, Portsmouth, Ohio 714" and an emblem circle with "Drop in any mail box, we guarantee postage," on side. "Air conditioned guest rooms, coffee shop, bar" on other side. Hurth was built in 1923 and advertised air condition in 1940.
Clear bottle with white print logo and green and white label. Vertical line pattern around bottom of neck and base, noted as 10 Fl. Oz. bottles by Grapette Bottling Co., Kingston, Portsmouth.
Clear, glass bottle with embossed "Portsmouth Brg & Ice Co., Portsmouth, O., registered cap: 12 fluid oz." Julius Esselborn owned the Brewery from 1889 until his death in 1900, when his son Paul took over.
Amber, glass bottle with embossed "Portsmouth Brg & Ice Co., Portsmouth, O., registered cap: 12 fluid oz." On back: "Doc 1132." Julius Esselborn owned the Brewery from 1889 until his death in 1900, when his son Paul took over.
Silver tone token with "S" cut into coin. "South Shore Bus Lines" encircles on side, "Good for one 10¢ Fare" on the other. The line operated between South Shore and the N & W Railway terminals in Portsmouth.
Copper-horseshoe shaped medal with engraving "Division II Won by Portsmouth H. S. Band Portsmouth, Ohio at Des Moines, Iowa 1934." Other side- "National High School Band Championship." Multi-colored ribbon with pin attached.