Wooden baby shoe last used to form shoes for the Century Shoe Last Company. The company was founded in 1955. It was located at 1831 Tenth (10th) Street.
Rusted cream of tartar can with green and brown label with red print for the "Gilbert Brand, Pure Spices, packed for the Gilbert Gro. Co., Portsmouth, Ohio. 5 lbs pure ground cream tartar on back.
Brown paper tablet advertisement for Shively's, located "one mile out of New Boston on Route 139."Black print on both sides of cover. Sohio Oil and Gas with graphics on back. Shively's opened in 1931 by Forrest Shively. It was sold in 1941.
Red, blue, yellow, and white advertisement for Shively Coal Company on the corner of Gallia and West Streets, New Boston. Also a military insignia guide with wheel for Army and Navy. Forrest Shively sold his service station in 1941 but continued coal office.
Metal with plastic coated button pins. "Roy Rogers Festival Portsmouth, Ohio" on other side with Dale and Roy Rogers. On the other pin: "Happy Trails" with an image of Roy Rogers alone.
Clear, glass 6 oz bottle embossed with a mini-square pattern design around the neck, bottom of "bowl: and a strip on under label. Embossed "Smile, Pat. July 11, 1922, contents 6 fl. oz." Bottom: "Orange Smile Com. St. Louis, Mo." Company made flavored fountain syrup. Metal cap.
Cardboard matchbook cover advertising the Hurth Hotel, Portsmouth, Ohio. Aged brown and coral color one side, yellow print. Tan, aged with print on otherside. Hotel was located at the corner of Third (3rd) and Chillicothe Streets.
Heavy-weight paper traveling salesman business card. A Victorian image of a girl and dog.
On back "Presented by L. Jones, Dealer in General Merchandise, Blue Creek,Ohio".
Census shows L. Jones as Lafayette Jones in Adams County.
Trademark triangle with "D".