Green red or green/brown paper stamps required by merchants to buy from the state and provide to customers when they were charged state tax. Consumers were encouraged to collect them and give them to the schools or charity. Then organizations would cash them into the state for 3% face value.
White paper box with brown foxing, "Compliments of the Waller Bros. Stone Co., McDermott, Ohio." On the back is a description of the two bars of sandstone samples in the box. Business still exists.
Clear glass bottle with black cap and white label. Blue print "Toledo Health and Retiree Center Pharmacy." Typewritten instructions. Prescription by Dr. Robert E. Martin
Metal bottle opener with gold/black plastic cylinder advertising Ed Kizer Realtor. Kizer was a realtor for over 55 years. He served as a real estate commissioner under 4 governors, and served longer than any other real estate commissioner in Ohio's history.
Silver, metal business stamp press. Some rust. Stamp embossing as "The Flood Drug Company, Portsmouth, Ohio, Seal." John Flood opened the store at 2109 Gallia. At John's death in 1959, his son Harold continued.
Illustrated, color image on front of cardboard fan with wooden stick. On back, information on Wendel-Howland Funeral Home at 1503 Offnere Street in black print. Name3s listed are C.M. Howland & R.E. Swearingin.