Aged, off-white, typewritten paper newsletter stapled together. Article marks 20th anniversary of West Portsmouth High School, 1939-1959. Sketches and articles of activities. Volume 17, No. 1. 4 pages- front/back.
Yellow and off-white cover with photo of Miss America and Miss Portsmouth, 1961. Some water spots. Inside: photos and information on the 1962 Miss Portsmouth Pageant. Presented by Junior Chamber of Commerce. 10 pages.
Aged, yellowed paper newsletter with typewritten information. "Jane Walbright" written in pencil in upper right corner. Volume VI-1, Sciotoville (East Portsmouth) High School. 9 pages. Stapled.
Aged, tan church bulletin paper with some spots and tears. Front shows faded photo image of church building. Name, location, minister, and verse on front. Inside: typewritten church services information. On back: printed ads.
Aged, off-white folded paper bulletin with black print. Volume 12, No. 3. Information on front, services inside, information on back, also typed name and address for Harry Dehner. Some light damage.
Aged, off-white paper, folded with three tears and spots. Black print inside and on front and back. Program and events inside; class and faculty on back.
Off-white, folded paper with black print. Front: photo copy of photo of church; back: "Ministers since 1920", inside: copies of church building images and "patron" listed. Also on front, "100th Anniversary" date listed as June 27, 1937.
Faded, blue-green card pouch/holder for carrying license, insurance ID, registration, etc. Advertising for the bank. Black print and illustrations. On back" Maxcella J. Marsh, Deputy Resitrar, AD.
White, embossed, paper commencement invitation for Wheelersburg High in 1949. Tri-fold with black font/print. Front: Embossed black and gold bird with a "W". Inside: Sketch of school and commencement information. Back: Embossed "1949"