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1931 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 3rd grade class. Written on back:
Third Grade-1931
Teacher- Bess Mick
Front Row: Jim Knost, Bob Tucker, Merle Robert, Jo Rickey, Marianna V. Bilder, Brant Appel, Ollie M. Thornton, Felice Shapiro, Delores Adkins, Donald Basp, Joan Quinn.
2nd Row: Bob Stewart, George Wiltsee, Phyllis Dreer, Paul Gilmer, Lawell Fisher, Mildred Stevens.
2nd Row (cont'd): Donald Shock, Jim Harsha.
3rd Row: Oron Gleim, Sara Spriggs, Janet Revare, Jean Cunningham, Helen Holmes, Doris Cole, George Wiltsee, Scott Bouldin, Betty Gyor, Beatrice Anderson, Stanley Perkinson. -
1932 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 4th grade class. Written on back:
4th Grade-1932
Teacher- Margaret Burns
Front Row: Bob Stewart, Jean Flood, Jo Rickey, Joan Quinn, Brant Appel, Clara Elkins, Felice Shapiro, Marie Shackleford, Lawell Fisher, Jim Knost, Irving Drew, Delores Adkins.
2nd Row: Donald Shock, Scott Bouldin, L.C. Chapman, Sara Spriggs, Merle Roberts, Byron Warnock, Bob Tucker, Donald Basp, Raymond Voeirs, Meredith McGacy.
2nd Row (cont'd): Billie Frazier, Miriam Reno.
Third Row: Ellsworth Knost, Oron Gleim, Jean Cunningham, Doris Cole, Mary Bell Egbert, Frances Ferguson, Betty Gyor, Phyllis Dreer, Paul Gilmer, Wanda Beall, Janet Revare, Jim Harsha, Helen Holmes -
1929 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 1st grade class. Written on back:
First Grade- 1929
Teacher- Maude Rockwell
Third Row: Jim Knost, Irving Drew, Billie Baker, Oron Gleim, Stanley Perkinson, George Wiltsee, Byron Warnock, Lowell Fisher, John Higg., Bob Tucker, Jim Harsha, Paul Gilmer.
Third Row: Bobbie Little, Bobbie Thatcher, Bobbie Martin, Joan Sims, Ollie M. Thornton, Delores Adkins, Barbara E., Donald Shock, Marie Shackleford.
Second Row: Phyllis Dreer, Mildred A., Mary Bell Egbert, Janet Revare, Helen Holmes, Marianna VanBilder, Betty Gyor, Bea Anderson, Doris Cole, Sara Spriggs, Merle Roberts, Jo Rickey, Clara Elkins, Brant Appel, Billie K., Donad Basp, L.C. Chapman, Grant Williams, David Oakes, A. Skelton. -
1930 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 2nd grade class. Written on back:
Second Grade-1930
Teacher- Louise Egbert
Front Row: Bobbie Little, Bobbie Stewart, Bobbie Tucker, Anstern Skelton, Bobbie Martin, Paul Gilmer, Lawell Fisher, Byron Warnock,
2nd Row: Ollie M. Thornton, Felice Shapiro, Delores Adkins, Marianna Vanbilder, Jo Rickey, Marie Shackleford, Brant Appel, George Wiltsee, L.C. Chapman, Irving Drew.
3rd Row: Merle Roberts, Joan Gimer, Clara Elkins, Phyllis Dreer.
3rd Row (cont'd): Bea Anderson, Helen Holmes, Betty Gyor, Mildred Stevens, Mary Bell Egbert, Janet Revare, Jean Quinn.
4th Row: Doris Cole, Bessie Lee Marton, Sara Spriggs, Kenneth Brady, Donald Shock, Gilbert Waite, Jim Harsha, Stanley Perkinson, Oron Gleim, Roland Puckett. -
1933 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 5th grade class. Written on back: 5th grade-1933
Teacher-Amy Ralstin
Front Row: Paul Gilmer, Don Basp, Brant Appel, Jim Knost, Oron Gleim, Raymond Voiers, Philip Spence, Scott Bouldin, Bob Tucker, George Wiltsee.
2nd Row: Betty Gyor, Jean Cunningham, Joan Quinn, Clara Elkins, Phylis Dreer, Jo Rickey, Merle Roberts, Adkins, Marie Shackleford, Felice Schapiro, Jene Kimbler.
3rd Row: Low Chapman, Irving Drew, Lawell Fisher, Bill Frazier, Emily Blienner, Sara Spriggs, Mary F. Pratt, Janet Revare, Mary Bell Egbert, Frances Ferguson.
4th Row: Jim Bourne, Jim Harsha, Larkin Tracy, Ellsworth Knost, Helen Holmes, Jean Flood, Miriam Reno, Walter Shack, Donald Shock, Doris Cole, Meredith McGacy. -
1934 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 6th grade class. Written on back: 6th grade-1934
Teacher: Nellie Nisonger
Jim Harsha, Ralph Suleainger, Brant Appel, Jim Knost, Bob Tucker, Scott Bouldin, Philip Spence, James Morris, Melvin Daler.
2nd Row: Jean Flood, Felice Schapiro, Olive M. Thornton, Phyllis Dreer, Jo Rickey, Elizabeth Smith, Frances Ferguson, Mollie, Janet Reesaie, Betty Gyor.
3rd Row: Dick Kemp, Olvie Wear
3rd Row (con'd) Jean Cunningham, Mary Belle Egbert, Clara Elkins, Helen Holmes, Mary F. Pratt, Merian Reno, Doris Cole, Joan Quinn, Sara Spriggs, Mrs. Niswonger
4th Row: Eugene Jordan, Raymond, Oron Gleim, Lawell Fisher, Donald Basp, Paul Gilmer, Low Chapman, George Wiltsee, Stanley Perkinson, Russell Tracey, Robert Socrest -
1935 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 7th grade class. Written on back:
7th Grade- 1935
Teacher- Alberta Yeager
Front Row: Philip Spence, James Morris, Oron Gleim, James Knost, Carlton Compher, James Harsha, Scott Bauldin, Lawell Fisher.
Second Row: Melvin Daerr, Bob Tucker, Felice Shapiro, Betty Gyor, Jean Cunningham, Marie Shackleford, Low Chapman, George Wiltsee, Paul Gilmer, Ralph, Brant Appel, Merle Roberts.
Third Row: Dick Kemp, Sara Spriggs, Helen Holmes, Frances Ferguson, Delores Glickman, Anna Marie, Mary F. Pratt, Jo Rickey, Phyllis Dreer, Bob Nelson.
Fourth Row: Audrey McCleere, Jean Flood, Joan Quinn, Doris Cole, Raymond Voeirs, Eugene Jordan, Miriam Reno, Goldie Combs, Elizabeth Smith Janet Revare, Bessie Marton. -
1936 McKinley School Class
McKinley School-Students of the 8th grade class. Written on back:
8th Grade-1936
Teacher- Eliza. Rockwell
Front Row: Bob Tucker, Oron Gleim, Brant Appel, Lawell Fisher, Ralph Swearngin, Raymond Voeirs, James Morris, Jim Harsha.
2nd Row: Phyllis Dreer, Miriam Reno, Jo Rickey, Felice Shapiro, Mary F. Pratt, Merle Roberts, Ruth Segur, Elizabeth Smith, Dolres Glickman, Frances Ferguson, Marie Shackleford.
3rd Row: Jean Cunningham, Betty Gyor
3rd Row (cont'd): Helen Holmes, Goldie Combs, Anna Marie, Janet Revare, Clara Elkins, Carlton Compher, Philip Spence, Joseph Reese.
Fourth Row: George Wiltsee, Scott Bouldin, Paul Gilmer, Low Chapman, Elizabeth Rockwell, Melvin Daerr, Melvin Lycan, Aubrey McCleere, Bessie Melton, Doris Cole, Dick Kemp.