Black & white photo of the C P & V railroad freight depot at the corner of Waller and Tenth (10th) Streets, on the north side of the tracks on the east side of Waller. The Cincinnati, Portsmouth, and Virginia Railroad later became the Norfolk and Western.
Railroad Depot at 10th (Tenth) and Waller Streets. Built in 1886 for the Cincinnati-Portsmouth-Virginia Line. Used by Norfolk & Western from 1901 until new N & W Depot was built in 1931. Razed in 1968
In order to ship a rail car, a customer must issue a Bill of Lading (BOL). This is essentially the document a shipper issues to a railroad in order to ship a rail car to a destination. The information on the BOL follows the same car from railroad to railroad.
Prior to demolition. Built in 1931, the Norfolk & Western Railroad Station was located at Seventeenth (17th) and Findlay Streets. It was used for passenger trains until 1971 when they were discontinued but still housed the division offices. The building was demolished in 2004, and the Scioto County Jail is now in a structure made to look similar to the old station.