Black & white typed text scanned from scrapbook discussing a three dollar bill issued by an Indiana Bank, and at the time of writing, in the possession of Kenyon Johnson of the Smoke House Company.
Black & white image scanned from scrapbook of a building with a sign that reads: McLendon Tabernacle Campaign begins in this building Jan 11, 1925.
Black & white typed text scanned from scrapbook. Topics include: Knittel's Bakery and Ice Cream Parlor, Colonel William Bolles, Allan Jordan, E.F. Draper, County Fair and Racing Association, George Watkisn, Dan R. Spry, Joe Gallion, John Warner, Jacob Becker, Felix Loth, Pat Corbett, Geo. Davis & Co., W. F. Clarke, John Maule, H. Leete Company, Dr. Pixley, William Grimes, Dr. Schirrman
Black & white typed text scanned from scrapbook. Topics include: Thomas Dugan, Joseph Fulton, Citizens Savings Bank, Adams Express, John B. Swift, Henry Padan, Ladies Parlor Shoe Store, Terry-Waller, Carl Huber, Rosenberg & Co., Royal Building, Ashland Coal, David Edwards, John D. Jones, Richard Lloyd, Streich Pharmacy, J.H. Poe, Nathan Herzog, L.H. Young
Black & white typed text scanned from scrapbook. Topics include: Enos Reed, John B. Jones, Charles Winter, H.H. Winter, E.J. Kelley, Hamilton-Peebles Reading Rooms, Misses Ramsey, Robert Moorehouse, W.E. Hancock, Charles S. Green, David Lawrence, Gaylord Rolling Mill, T. B. Blake, Dick Melcher, Model Grocery.
black & white images scanned from scrapbook.
Unknown male name is illegible; names for the teachers are: K. Zoellner, R. Pray, E. Marting, W. Reeder, V. Stockham, ? Anderson, M. Farmer, R. Tremper, S. Terry, W. Dawson, L. Small, M. Musser, W. Bruch, R. Wilhelm, M. Pixley , P. Young, J. Watkins