Scanned page 93 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a printed Memorial service announcement at the Elk Parlors; a printed letter to H.A. Lorberg from John G. Whittier regarding receipt of a book of views of Portsmouth; and a black & white image of Jason C. Adams, City Clerk.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text about a sexton (John McNeal) of Greenlawn Cemetery who removed the coffin of a woman and her twin babies whose bodies were perfectly preserved after 6 years.
Scanned page 94 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Weston Lodwick; Company H, waiting for the train; Company H, 4th O.V.I. return from Cuba, 1898 (Spanish-American War); Ph. Zoellner; Charles Kendall; Morton Club; and an ad clipping for H. A. Reed, General Sign Writer.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text of the lyrics to In de Evening by de Moonlight by B.W. Hitchcock, 1880.
Scanned page 95 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed marriage invitation for Lizzie Mannen and Charles Shewell Hall at Christ Church, November 16, 1899. Black & white images of Robert Montgomery; O.B. Gould; Davis Distillery, West Side.
Scanned page 96 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a printed program for the Class of 1877 commencement. Graduates: Julia A Adams, Nellie Crain, Sallie M. Feurt, Alice O. Gower, Hattie H. Gunn, Stella A. Kerr, Mattie H. Lynn, Fannie M. Moore, Belle E. Smith, Flora B. Tice, Ada M. Young, Lansing L. Applegate, Fred. D. Buskirk, J. N. W. Crawford, Howard A. Johnston, John W. Pendergast, Robert S. Silcox.
Scanned page 97 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed invitation to the wedding of Katharin Bullard and Edwin Erle Sparks. Black & white images of Captain Eppler, George Tittle, Elza Jeffords, W. A. Connolley, and James Huston. A handwritten note mentioning Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crain.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of The Denial Club: H.W. Miller, Howard Murray, Cliff Thompson, Lou Nichols, Percy Reed, and Burr Cochran. A newspaper clipping about an "Old Jackson Ballot" acquired by David Heer that carries the names of candidates for electors of Andrew Jackson. A printed wedding invitation for Julia T. Tewksbury to Theodore N. Johnson, Jr. and Margaret F. Tewksbury to Albert T. Johnson at First Presbyterian Church in 1882. Black & white image of Herman Herms.
Scanned page 98 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Rena Lutz; Sam'L G. Glover; and River City Baseball Club, 1866: Jerry Hall, Sam Harper, Geo. Halfenstein, John Wilhelm, Ed Kelly, Pat Corbett, Ban Spry, Tom Brown, James. W. Newman.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Honorable Henry Towne Bannon. M.C., Author of "Scioto Valley Sketches" and "Stories Old and Often Told"; Boone, steamboat; clipped newspaper add for Misses Eaves, 405 Chillicothe St.