Scanned page 112 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text discussing the early newspapers of Portsmouth. Topics and persons mentioned include: the Portsmouth Tribune, Silman Clark, the Tribune and Clipper, W. A. Hutchins, Mr. Hamilton, W.P. Camden, Scioto Valley Post, Anthony Drouillard, John Gharkey, Democratic Reveille, Portsmouth Clipper, W. C. Wheeler, S. P. Drake, Tribune and Clipper, Messrs. clark and Drake, John Hannah, Messers. Bickley and Nelson, Daily Democratic Pennant, The Daily Herald, Phelps, Dumas, Herald Daily and Weekly, Shannon Spence & Co., Scioto Valley Republican, Stephen P. Drake, Samuel P. Drake, The Life Boat, Jacob Miller, Eli Glover, N. H. Parker.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a newspaper clipping from The Portsmouth Daily Blade on Co. H and other U.S. troops sailing for Spain;a newspaper clipping about Portsmouth Girls attending the Ohio Valley Expo in Cincinnati; clipped ads for M. W. Thompson & Son, Grain and Commission; Zottman's 5c. Bar; John Dice, City Livery; a handwritten note, John R. Turner Records.
Scanned page 113 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text discussing the early newspapers of Portsmouth. Topics and persons mentioned include: The Daily News, the Green Record, S.P. Drake & Co., Portsmouth Daily Times, Shannon Hoy & Co.
A black & white image of young folks at Glen-Hunt.
Scanned page 114 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recounting a room in the basement of the old Northern Hotel (Railway Y.M.C.A) which used to be a barroom and was converted into a store for bibles.
Northern Hotel; Billy Sunday Tabernacle; H. A. Lorberg
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of J. C. Trotter, Charles R. Maddock, and W. L. B. Jack; and a clipping of an ad for George A. Waller, Hardware.
Scanned page 115 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recounting a room in the basement of the old Northern Hotel (Railway Y.M.C.A) which used to be a barroom and was converted into a store for bibles; black & white images of Wellington Kinney, Geo. Sommer; and an unidentified woman. A printed newspaper clipping that reads I. Richman & Co.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Theodore Johnson and A. Knittel. A death announcement for President Garfield, memorial services on September 26, 1881 at All Saitns Church. Advertising clippings for Taylor House; Jones House, and C.P. Chandler, Auction and Commission House.
Scanned page 116 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recounting the "Scioto Heights" swindle in which real estate speculators secured lands around Raven Rock and sold them to people as far west as Montana and Iowa.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed announcement for the Harmonic Club event at Massie Hall on July 3, 1865 featruing W. Rhodes, R.N. Spry, E. Raine, B. F. Richardson, H. R. Tracy, M. Micklethwait, Miss Clay B. Moore.
Scanned page 117 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recounting the "Scioto Heights" swindle; and a black & white image of Geo. Berthold
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of Honorable B. Gately, Esq. Clippings of newspaper ads for M'Farland & Elick, The Portsmouth Tribune; John McDowll, Jr., Wholesale; Richardson & Co.; M. & G. Gilbert, Wholesale Grocers; Patton & Tate, groceries; C. C. Hyatt, Groceries; The Arcade.
Scanned page 118 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing information about the military guard groups in Portsmouth: Gaylord Guards, Kinney Guards, German Guards, Colored Guards.
"As Others See Us"- an account from a newspaper man of Chillicothe who accompanied the Sill Guards on a visit to Portsmouth.