Yellowed, aged paper program, with black fonts. Front is details of program; back is political ads for James R. Hooper; Herb. Caldwell; and Albert Weghorst. Small tear at top. Names listed: Russel, DeLemater, Riddle, Loos, Alford, Gerlach, Pugh, Prince, Jennings, Perry, Stamm, Parry, Egbert, and Barnby.
Black and white photo image of guests of the Eli Lilly and Company Research Laboratories in Indianapolis, Indiana. Names on back: Dr. and Mrs. Laestar, Carl and Kathleen Braunlin, Clyde and Hilda Fitch, Dr. and Mrs. Tatje, Dr. and Ruth Berndt, Dr. and Mrs. Blume, Jerry and Jean Sheets, Mrs. and Ralph Lewis, Dr. and Nellie Weems, Mrs. Singleton, Dr. Micklethwaite, Paul and Ruth Bennett, Chester Allen, Joe and Doris Gohman, Richard and Ann Wagner, and Dr. Singleton.
Silver wire frame with rimless octagon shaped lenses. Case is dark green metal with green velvet inside. The optometrist office of James G Bennett and Joseph M Babcock was located at 837 Gallia Street in the 1920 Portsmouth City Directory.
Color print page in center of Bible.
Births:Thomas Thearl Parsons, May 2, 1910
Hazel Gillam Parsons, Dec. 29, 1906
Charles Verle Parsons, Oct. 10, 1921
Cheryl Lynn Parsons, May 29, 195_
Color, printed page in center of Bible.
Marriage of Thearl Parsons, Elliot County, Kentucky and Hazel Gillam, Carter County, Kentucky. Married in Greenup, County Kentucky, January 28, 1932. In the presence of Mrs. J. N. Herald, Mildred Simms. Signed: Rev. J. N. Herald, minister M. E. Church.