Scanned page 244 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recalling the history of Play House property which was originally owned by John Brown. The first building to occupy the space was known as the Inn where travelers could stop for food. Other occupants of the property included Distel Furniture Company, General Kendall; Kendall boarding house; Smoke House
Scanned page 245 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recalling the history of Play House property which was originally owned by John Brown. The first building to occupy the space was known as the Inn where travelers could stop for food. Other occupants of the property included Distel Furniture Company, General Kendall; Kendall boarding house; Smoke House
Scanned page 246 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recalling the history of Play House property which was originally owned by John Brown. The first building to occupy the space was known as the Inn where travelers could stop for food. Other occupants of the property included Distel Furniture Company, General Kendall; Kendall boarding house; Smoke House
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Henry Stemshorn's Grocery, West End; a Flag Day Parade; and a clipped ad for Stahler Bros., Bicycle and Carriage Dealers.
Scanned page 247 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text recalling the history of Play House property which was originally owned by John Brown. The first building to occupy the space was known as the Inn where travelers could stop for food. Other occupants of the property included Distel Furniture Company, General Kendall; Kendall boarding house; Smoke House:
Below: black & white images of a group camping at McCulloch; Fred Neurnberger; and Jake Giesler.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of Julia Marlowe at 13, member R. E. J. Miles Juvenile Pinafore Co.; and an ad for Sample Shoe Co., on Chillicothe St.
Scanned page 248 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text describing the Fourth of July Celebration which took place at Union Mills in West Portsmouth in 1855. Mentions: George Johnson; Joshua Foster; W. B. Bennett; Scott Foster; J. H. Teegarden; A. M. Jaquett; George O. Newman; Col. O. F. Moore; Portsmouth Band; Henry Berg; Neil Harbes
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a black & white image of Alice Enslow, Blanche Williams, Kate Crichton, Emma Spry, Blanche Gliddens, and Miss Lampton; clipped ads for H. A. Reed, General Sign Writer; W. C. Morford, Wagons, Carriages, Chain Pumps, &c.
Scanned page 249 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing typed text describing the Fourth of July Celebration which took place at Union Mills in West Portsmouth in 1855. Mentions: George Davis; Union Mills; Doc. Herd; Scioto River Bridge; Lee Beatty; "Happy Joe"; Ike Farley; Jacob Becker; John Warner; Felix Loth; Pat Corbett; Rev. E. P. Pratt; R. S. Silcox; A. B. Jones; S. W. Heslet
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white black and white images of a group at Henry's Springs; Hos. A. F. McCormick; and Butch White.