Cream color cardstock paper with black font and signatures in marker. The document is contained within a red velvet cover and held with ribbon. The graduate is Anna Louise Charles, May 14, 1948. 2 folded pages.
Off-white, aged, folded paper with color artwork of the Statue of Liberty. Black font. Commencement program lists faculty, Board of Education, program details and graduating class.
Sepia-tone portrait photo image of Wilhelm. Photo glued to tan matboard. J. Ph. Wilhelm immigrated from Germany in 1833. He located in Portsmouth in 1846, and opened a saddle and harness business located on Front St.
Sepia-toned portrait photo image of Charles Weber. Photo glued to matboard. Weber was born in Germany and immigrated here with his parents at the age of 8 (1855). He had a shoe business for 42 years. He died July 30, 1927.
Sepia-toned portrait photo image of Herman Huels. Photo glued onto matboard. Huels was born in 1834 in Prussia. He came to Portsmouth in 1870 and purchased The Dye House from F. Zehner. He was a pioneer dyer of Southern Ohio. He died in 1927.
Sepia-toned portrait photo image of the "Honorable" Theodore K. Funk. Photo glued to matboard. Funk was born in 1848 on a farm in Champaign Co., Ohio. He graduated from Ohio Wesleyan College in 1871 and went on to law. He came to Portsmouth in 1873 and was a Criminal Attorney until his death in 1924.
Sepia-toned portrait photo image of Charles Robertson. Photo is glued to mat. Robertson was a pastor at 2nd Presbyterian Church from 1909-1914. Later he served as "Supply Pastor" for 16 months until he left for N.Y. in 1946. He died in Connecticut in 1953.
Off-white, onion skin document with green and black fonts. Image of a train and an image of a man. Preferred stock no. 1326. Stock information on back. A Northern US Railroad that was mentioned regularly in the Portsmouth Times.
Black and white photo of an elementary class of Highland in 1933. First Row, left to right: Cecil Miller, Raymond Walker, Bobby Fuller, Betty Jean Lamb, Frank Jackson, Louise Stout, Wiladine Richards, Carl Adams, Peggy Simms, Mary Delabar, Nancy Thompson. Second row: Doris Corriell, Carl Robinson, Russell Thopmson, Bewan Miller, Emma Jett, Alive White, Bobbie May, Bobbie Coburn, Thelma Watts, Alvan McColm, Ben Dixon, Donald Gerratt. Third Row: Miss Pauline Steally - Teacher 4A, Mildred Burchett, Mary White, Donald Martin, Bobbie Byer, James Jones, Norma Jean Schultz, Homer Selby, Harold Hicks, -, Donald Ferrell. Fourth Row: Bobbie Smith, Joe Reed, Chester Lumer, Lowell Pryer, Anna Bella Lillett, Lelma Watts, Jean Spencer, Jane Ruggles, Virginia.
Black and white photo of an elementary class at Highland in 1935. Front row: Burrin Miller, Alice, Peggy Simms, Louise Stout, Ralph Fuller, Carl Adams, Carl Robinson, Frank Jackson, -, Jack McDonald, Betty Jean Lamb. Second row: Jane Ruggles, Robert Baurer, Charles Brady, Mary, -, Clarence Newman, Jack Williams, -, -, Donald Farrel. Third Row: Gleane Sparks, Jean Spencer, Emma Jette, Jack Robinson, Homer Selby, William Richards, Lowell Prowel, Russel Tompson, Chester, Mable Mealey. Fourth Row: John Evans, Clen Copper, Ella Mae Tompson, Donald Martin, Eugene Goodman, Clarence Morce, Harold Hicks, Gorge Day, James Boid, Paul Dowds.