Black and white photo of the Portsmouth Interstate Business College football team photo. Names listed: Front row- Guy Cole, Frances McHarg, Davis, Roy Conley, Fred Mulkey, Tussey. 2nd row- Johnny Chaffin (manager), Homer Carver, Tom Schwamberger, Charles Schellinger, Bruce Nourise, Gene Bennett, Leo Blackburn. The PIBS was located in the Kricker Building at 813 Gallia Street
Black and white photo of a class in 1932 at Lincoln Elementary. Lincoln School building on the northwest corner of Kinneys Lane & Waller Street. It was opened in 1914 and enlarged in 1922. Lincoln was Portsmouth's first integrated elementary because of overcrowding at the Washington School in 1953. The building was closed in 2000 and razed in 2003. The location is now the SOMC Cancer Center.
Black and white photo of a class at Highland in 1928. First row, left to right: Thelma Nichols, Whitaker Balingy, Andromedia Freeman, Marie Pollard, Elizabeth Jordan, Richard Nelson, Marlan Schuler, Robert Lesling, Anna Bigelow, Mildred Wendelken. Second Row: Gladys Cornette, Ella Louise Ruggles, Loraine -, Nancy Pennington, William Hatcher, Carl Copen, Ralph Dearth, Betty Mitchell, Katherine Reiner, Emerson Wiedner. Third Row: Charles Gibbs, Roy Ralston, Tomas Watkins, Goldie Carrington, Martha Shields, Dorothy Burgess, Audry Minie. Estha Wendelken, Annabella Hockenheimer, Earl Southworth. Fourth Row: Thelma Qulick, Mary Alice Dawson, Dorothy Lewis, Boyd Schuler, Homer Goddardm Thurman Malone, Clarence Shoemaker, Doris Ward. Teacher: Miss Nellie Nisewonger.
Black and white photo of a class at Highland in 1927. Front row, left to right: William Patterson, Thelma Nickles, Richard Nelson, Whittier Balanty, Janet Dawson, Irene Glancook, Mildred Wendelken, Betty Mitchell, Elizabeth Jordan. Second Row: Richard Cocksan, Ellison Helbig, Charlies Fishburn, Evertt Wikoy, Oscar Owens, Ralph Dirth, Helen Rose, Esther Wendelken, Ella Louise Ruggles, Roy Ralston. Third Row: William Lester, Carl Copper, Arthur Teagel, Carol Lender, Nancy Pennington, Jack William, John Rice, Marie Pollard, Ramond McFarland. Fourht Row: William Harmon, Billie Dalton, Mary Alice Dawson, Thurman Malone, Clarence Shoemaker, William Boleam, Martha Shields, Carlton Myers, Harvey Royse. Teacher: Miss Niswonger.
Black and white photo of an 8th grade at Highland School in 1930. First Row at top: Rosella Cuppet, Katherine Hushner, Bernce McCarty, Mary Alice Dawson, Helen Rose, Dick (Richard) Nelson, Haymond Chapmond, Sylvia Ball, Martha Shields. Second row from top: Seland Stamper, Nancy Pennington, Ella Louise Ruggles, Charles Fishburn, Roy Ralston, Laura Ruth Ward, Goldie Carrington, Dorothy Burgess. Third row from top: Charlies Baker, Charlotte Hankins, Ned Aglesly, Elizabeth Jordan, William Patterson, Elva Ruth Shela, Mildred Wendelken.
Black and white photo of a class at McKinley in 1935. On back includes names: Janet McClure, Molly Mercer, Hazel Barnes, Charles Caudill, Virginia Thompson, Mildred Harcha, Ralph Apel, Jane Thornton (8a), Mary Emma Spriggs, Paull Judd, Caroline Friel, Jennie Hutchinson, Madeline Bennett, Jesse Spence, Bill Harsha, Francis T. Dale, Ernest Frymuth, Olive Chimm, Sallie Atlas, Dolores Haislet, Audrey B. McClure (7th), Bessie Morton (7a), Anna Margaret Adams, Virginia Warman, Peggy Horr, Jesse Shackleford, Geraldine Seymour, Charles Goodman, Earl Howell, Richard Jenkins.
Black and white photo of different students and their teacher in an eighth grade class at McKinley in the 1920's-1930's. In top left corner there are red markings, damaging two students photos. Bottom right corner, the edge has been cut off. Names are written on back, trying to correspond with the photo on the front: Elizabeth Rockwell (teacher), Ralph Eddy, Anna Lunck, Don Ison, Jean Payne, Pat Breece, Howard Thompson, Raymond Bourholtzer, Nancy Lehman "Nanc", Ruth Ann Peake, Jeanne Switalski "Swat", Phyllis Otto, Mary Katherine Richardson Tetter, Mary Elizabeth Hammer "Betty" "Liz", Robert Fuller, John Caskey, Joan Hops, Edward Levi, Doris Smith, Helane Kuhn, Eloise KNost, Dave Kanengeises, Doris Gilliland, Johnny Gardner, Margaret Putcher, Georganne Camen, Walter Shock, Bob Stewart, Jane Ruggles, Martha Atlas, Martha Clayton, Martha Jean Brown, Sesman (?), Mary Jean Short, Ralph Cooper, Betty Thomas, Uri Holmes.
A paper copy of a news article from June 12, 1945 about five brothers from Scioto County who served during World War II (1939-1945). CPL. Alfred Hiles, who was stationed in France; S. SGT. Daniel L. Hiles, who was stationed in Germany; PVT. Glen D. Hiles, who (at the time) was stationed at Camp Robinson, Arkansas; PFC. Grover Hiles, who was stationed in the South Pacific; S. SGT. George E. Hiles, who was stationed in France. Also included is Henry W. Hiles, their father.
Black and white photo copy of a Pleasant Valley School class photo circa 1928. Names of students are printed on the picture. Pleasant Valley School was on Big Run, Sedan Crabtree roads in Morgan Township. First row: Leonard Crabtree, Richard Taylor, Leslie Throckmorton, Alfred Hiles, Victor Crabtree, Brother Crabtree, Sadie Chaffin, Mitch Chaffin, Glenn Crabtree. Second row: Mary Bond, Ray Hill, Glenn Hiles, Ray Altman, Edward Crabtree, Kenneth Crabtree, Earl, Archie. Third row: Mattie Crabtree, Ned Horton, Arthur Crabtree, Sophie Bond, Emma Altman, Dan Hiles, George Hiles. Teacher: Albert Bonner.