Photo image of the headstone of Willard and Stella Butler in Jacktown Cemetery located in Adams County. This cemetery is also known as Jacksonville Cemetery.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Will; Reward of Merit; Mrs. A. Lorberg, Henry A. Lorberg's mother; Ohio History by J. H. Galbraith; J. D. Merritt, photographer on Second (2nd) Street
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Will S. Andres; Tom Collins; Market Street; C. C. Row; Louis Baum, Sr. Clippings of ads and announcements for McNamara's Bonnets' S. G. McColloch, Attorney at Law; Schloss & Company; D. Emrick & Company Manufacturers; Buckle & Metzger, manufacturer.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 461. Will Reilly; First Nation Bank; Jack Becker; V. Reinhart; Ben Richardson;J.L. Hobbs & Co; R.P. & M.F. Reifenberick; Robert Moorhouse; Rev. J.J. Page; Portsmouth Young Ladies Seminary; James Patterson; Edward Peebles; Henry Buemler; Commercial Exchange; Gus Buemler; S.J. Eichelstein; John A. Brand; George Brandau; William Beardsley; Samuel Lorberg; Abott and Chaney; Weekly Gazette; Core's Hotel; Henry Core; Ohio Hotel; Nathan Wheeler (1818); The Commercial Bank of Scioto (1818); John Brown (1818); Peter Kehoe; Levi and McDougal
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Typed page giving information about Will Lampton; Wm Hall; Wm. Dunn; Nicholas Furniture Factory; E. P. Lodwick