Photo image of the Wheelersburg Kiwanis Club Certificate of Appreciation presented to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3714. Certificate is grey marble in color with a Kiwanis International sticker in the center.
Photo image of Irene Music's Certificate of Graduation from Wheelersburg High School. Certificate shows Irene's grades in school subjects for each of her four years of high school.
Yellowed, aged paper receipt, lined with red and blue with black fonts on handwritten details in ink. Jacob Haas, paid by H. J. Thomas signed P.N. Wickerk. Some damage.
Black & white text on off-white pages. The graduation program for Rush Township High School, McDermott, Ohio. The program is inside Norna Prior's graduation portfolio.
Cream color cardstock paper with black font and signatures in marker. The document is contained within a red velvet cover and held with ribbon. The graduate is Anna Louise Charles, May 14, 1948. 2 folded pages.
Black and White Photo image of the 40 foot memorial to the Civil War dead. Dedicated in 1879, the monument represents John R T Barnes, the first Scioto County soldier to die in the Civil War. It cost $6500.00 and was presented to the city by the Ladies Union Soldiers Circle.
Black and white photo image of the Selby Shoe Company with employees' cars lining the parking lot. The Selby Shoe Company reached a peak employment of about 5500 in its factory at Seventh (7th) and Findlay Streets before closing in 1957. There was a tunnel under Findlay Street to the Post Office.