Vulcan Septum Putter number 8; wood handle with steel putter. engraved with Vulcan logo, putter name and " Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.". The Vulcan Golf plant was located at Fourth (4th) and Jefferson Streets. A division of the Vulcan Last Co., the golf club plant began operations in the Spring of 1927.
Black and white photo image of building at 302 Chillicothe Street. City Directories from 1920 to 1930 list Harry E. Hawk, dentist at 304 1/2 Chillicothe and Albert Zoellner, Jeweler at 302 Chillicothe Street. This building was razed in 2016 for Shawnee State University expansion.
Black and white photo scan of an unknown building with the sign "Quality Service" on the front of the building. In the windows you can see the word "Fields" but I have been unable to locate where this was.