Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is the wedding announcement of Floyd L. Smith and Florence C. Slack on September 22, 1892; mail card for H. A. Lorberg from J. P. Morgan, New York; and a black and white photo of Milton Kendall. He was born in Washington County in 1811. Kendall was prominent in local politics.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Wedding Announcement for Richard Bentley Lloyd and Ada Harvuot on April 28, 1886 in Savannah, Ohio
Pictured: A. O. Bing, Dr. McDowell, Prof. Blumenschein, and an unknown man
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Wedding Announcement Card of Edward T. Powell to Margaret Wallace Gordon for Saturday, June 18, 1887; Mont Julian; Heinisch's Store, Corner of Galla and Gay Streets; James A. Maxwell, Flour, Grain, & Feed
Black & white scanned images of the Webster Fire Brick Company (President Judge J. W. Bannon)
St. Paul's Catholic Church in Chicago which was built of Webster Pressed Brick.
Shows "Queen Quality Shoes" on back loop. This was a type of shoe sold by Weber's. Weber Shoe Store, operated by Louis Weber, was located at 611 Chillicothe Street in the 1932 Portsmouth City Directory.
black & white scanned images from the publication. Images shown: Geo. M.Weber & J. D. Kirtland - General Contractors,
A. T. Noel and W. W. Gates - Dairy