Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of H. B. Murray, Sr.; Home for Aged Women; Residence of J.E. Valjean; and Maggie Murray Koehner. Cutout of an add for C. Cohen, Jeweler.
Scanned page 50 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Honorable Eli Glover; L. C. Damarin; George A. Waller, Mayor., Distinguished Citizen; Captain Francis Cleveland.
Scanned page 57 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white illustration captioned "A New Years Calling Card." The Illustration reads "Annual visit of the Lunch Friends" 1887. Handwritten note from Mr. and Mrs. Robinson;
a black & white photograph of L.C. Robinson; and an ad for Pursell, Ewing & Company.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Gallia Street East of Gay; "Judge" Crain; Second (2nd) Street East of Court; Plag's Brewery, Brewery Hollow (the brewery after which the hollow was named was erected in 1867 by Ward & Beuchler but they sold out to Meyer & Plagg due to lack of water supply. After taking full ownership, Charles Plagg eventually gave up the work and used the building as a tenement. The brewery burned in 1898 and the road was later renamed Mabert Ave.); Gallia Square (Gallia Street looking east from Chillicothe with the Cogswell Fountain in the center).
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Chillicothe St from Second (2nd); Second (2nd) St. W. of Court; Johnson Hub & Spoke Factory (started operation in May 1868, and was located in a 3-story building on Chillicothe, between Eleventh (11th) and Twelfth (12th)) ; Sun Carriage Spring Works; Professor Carl Lorentz; Nichols Furniture Factory (In 1844, J. B. Nichols and started his furniture making business at Third (3rd) and Market.); John Dice Carriage Manufacturer (174 West Second (2nd) Street).
Scanned page 53 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing handwritten letter regarding A Washington Cotillion Party and a black & white photograph of a group of people on a wagon captioned "At Esculapia Springs."
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a page with faded text that reads "Exercises of the C Grammar Grade, Union Street Building. Wed. P.M. March 30"
Scanned page 54 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Ben Gaylord, Jr. and Dan McFarland, Jr.; J. Chan Singer and Ed Gibbs; Miss Belle Connolly; and an unidentified man.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a paper with typed text reading "P.Y.G. 1880. You are cordially invited by the Young Gentlemen of Portsmouth, Ohio, to attend their Annual Hop at Biggs House, Friday Evening, December 31st. J. B. Nichols, Jr., J. G. Miller, T.N. Johnson, Jr., Committee;' a program for a Nights Templar Service at Second Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday 1889 listing the officers: S. M. Johnson, O.T. Dewey, D.B. Thurlow, E.F. Draper, J.H. Johnson, C.S. Cadot, F.B. Kehoe, Geo. Padan, D. O'Neill, J.H. Clough, and George M. Osborne; and a black & white photograph of the triplets: Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego Hannahs.
Scanned page 55 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Henry R. Tracy; S. Labold (Simon Labold, president of the First National Bank); Captain William W. Little; A.P. Kerr; Charles P. Lloyd. Cutout of an ad for S.R. Ross Sundries.