Scanned page 68 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Mark B. Wells; R. Bell; Henry R. Kinney; Father Walker; Feliz Loth; and Judge F. C. Searl. Clipped print ads for Mrs. Thomas Collins, Shoes; Zottman's German Soap; and Burton & Kendall.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Elmore Ellis Ewing, Leo Kessler, and Fred Warneke. Print clippings of business ads for J.H. Wait & Son, Manufacturers of Furniture; Klingman's; and Heer Bros. A printed copy of the lyrics to "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny."
Scanned page 69 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Dr. D. R. Cotton; J. W. Ricker; Kinney's Lane, built 1813, the Henry Kinney Homestead; and Fred N. Tines.
Description w/o page Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text of program for the Ideal Concert Company; a black & white image of Thomas Watkins; a caption reads Prof. Campbell below a missing picture; and a black & white illustration of the Brodt Shoe Company.
Scanned page 70 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Portsmouth Shoe Manufactory at 127 W. Front St.' Rev. J. D. Herron and an unidentified girl; Jacob Miller, Ed. The Life Boat 1848; and The Fellowship Club. A newspaper clipping listing the graduating class of 1883: Grace Cotton, Alice Comins, Hattie Dennison, Ida Dever, Minta Edwards, Dora Gower, Grace Helfenstein, Anna Horr, Seva Keefe, Nellie O'Connor, Carrie Zottman, Sarah Meyers, George Dennis, and Edwin Stone.
Scanned page 71 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of The Old Red Schoolhouse and Munn's Run; clipped print advertisements for Charles C. l. Brown, Steam Laundry; Barton A. Tucker, Real Estate; J.S. Cochran, M. D.; J.F. Wilhelm, saddles, harness and whips; Dr. R. M. Gibson, Physician and Surgeon.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image captioned "Portsmouth People in Tableau. Entertainment held in Massie Hall during the Civil War." A print clipping for Globe Clothing House on Chillicothe Street.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of J.W. Wendelkin; Dr. A. L. Norton; Ohio River, showing flood-wall; and Ada Murray. Clipping of a print ad for Z. J. Kaufman & Co., at the corner of Front and Market Streets.
Scanned page 73 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of Miss Emma Bell's Kindergarten class and David Hahn, old stage driver.