Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 53. W.A. Connally; Bein Building; Gallaher Drug Store; Chillicothe Street; Fifth (5th) Street; Lawson Street; Robinson Avenue; Voelker Dry Goods Company; Eleventh (11th) Street; Smith and Dunn Coal Company; East End; Broadway; Pure Milk Company; Covertson Meat Market; Excelsior Shoe Company; Portsmouth Fire Brick Company; Golf Grounds; Dr. Foster; Ohio River; N. & W. Railway; Oil Station; Gallia Street; Lawson Furniture Company; Flood and Blake Corner; Edward I. Kirby
Scanned page 75 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of W. W. Reilly; Judge Henry A. Towne; Mrs. Maria Miles, Civil War Nurse, buried in Soldier's Circle; and William Kinney. Newspaper clippings for Glidden & McIntyre, Shingles; and J. & D. Sullivan, Leather Store.
Black and white photo images of pages scanned from scrapbook
Pictured: W. W. Reilly & Co., Herms Green House, newspaper article entitled "On the West Side", Damarin & Co. Wholesale Grocers, and Daniel McFarland. All images cut from a publication.
black & white photo image from book, Pictorial Portsmouth, page 17
Advertisement for Dr. W. W. Monroe, surgeon, dentist. Located Corner of Second (2nd) and Court Streets, Portsmouth, Ohio. "Satisfaction Guaranteed"
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image containing image insets of W. W. Gates; Irving Drew; Geo. D. Selby; P. E. Selby; and J. M. Graham.
Black & white image of a group of men identified by first name only: Adam, Bernard, Henry, Leo, George, Frank J., Aloysius,Charles A., Herman M.
Newspaper clipping mentioning Dr. Hempstead, Jas Lodwick, S. J. Huston, J. O. Johnson, J. P. Terry, Aaron Noel, J. G. Peebles, Col. J. A. Turley, and the Kinney Guards.
Sepia image of Prof. M. S. Campbell. Black & white image of Dr. McDowell.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is W. W. Anderson, Vice President of the Company; New C. P. &. V. Depot; Squire Henry Hall; Flood Scene (1884)