Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: W. B. Jackson; David Stahler; John Moeller; Ad for E. L. Gates Pianos and Organs at No. 11 West Second (2nd) Street; Ad for Dr. W. J. Keyes, Osteopathic Physician at 26 West Fourth (4th) Street
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 215. Shown are four black and white photos: W. B. Anderson; Unidentified Building; Unidentified Man; Unidentified Woman.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing business clippings for W. A. Connolley; E. E. Ewing; Miller, Cissna & Co,; and black & white images of Portsmouth Cycle Club; N. J. Dever; J. F. Menke