Size 6B wood with metal plates on bottom, "Vulcan Nov 1965" stamped on the side. The 1965 Portsmouth City Directory lists Vulcan Corp., J B Reynolds, Chairman of Board, L B Austing, Pres., L G Budke, Vice-Pres.-Treas.. Shoe Last Manufacturers, 301 Jefferson Street
Vulcan Septum Putter number 8; wood handle with steel putter. engraved with Vulcan logo, putter name and " Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.". The Vulcan Golf plant was located at Fourth (4th) and Jefferson Streets. A division of the Vulcan Last Co., the golf club plant began operations in the Spring of 1927.
Sepia tone photo, image of employees at a banquet. Photo is mounted on matboard that has watermark and corners broken.
Front box lettering: 2nd Annual Banquet of the Employees of the Vulcan Last Co., Portsmouth O. Jan. 1, 1923.
On back: Ray Countermarsh, front table, second from right, back to camera