Holiday greeting card from The Vulcan Corporation, known for producing golf equipment, wood shoe heels and later plastic shoe heels in the early 20th Century. Corporation was founded in 1910.
Sepia tone group photo of men in front of Vulcan building. Building has 1912 in architecture with Vulcan Name.
On back: Vulcan-1912
Ray Countermarsh
second row on the end (in front of white panel)
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page with information about the Volunteer Fire Company; August Arnold; Chillicothe and Portsmouth Companies' parade and celebration; Chillicothe Fire Company; Lawson's Grove; Jackson Street; Rose Ridge; Fire Laddies; Portsmouth Fire Laddies; Portsmouth Firemen
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about the Volunteer Fire Company; D. G. S. B. Hempstead; Judge W. V. Peck; John Noel's Fire Laddies; C. C. Hyatt, Oldest member of the fire company; Washington Kinney; Members of the company; John Waller, Bookkeeper for J. F. Towell; Dr. Thomas Waller, First physician in the city from Alexandria
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: typed page about general Portsmouth information. Adonijah Crain; Squire Crain; Lucasville; William Raynor, Shoe Maker; First Great Fire; Volunteer Fire Company; Biggs House- Massie Block fire; Stanton Alley; M. B. Gilbert; Dispatch Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1.; Weekly Times; Morning Extras
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page: Dedication to Lorberg's father, August Lorberg with picture. Guest Ticket for Henry A. Lorberg for a Complimentary Dinner to commemorate the opening of the Grant Bridge on September 22, 1927 at the First Christian Church.
The bridge was opened in August of 1927 and was the first bridge to make it all the way across the Ohio River to reach Kentucky from Portsmouth, Ohio, thus connecting the two states. Though the bridge was only opened to walking traffic at first, it did allow cars to pass over it in September of 1927. The new U. S. Grant Bridge would replace this one in 2006.
Colorized photo image of award certificate. The Democracy Award was awarded to the Scioto County Memorial Post 3714, Portsmouth, Ohio by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary. Officers signed the certificate and has a stamp with the V. F. W. of the United States burning torch emblem.
Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured is a typed page giving details about the Visit of J. N. Free. Also pictured: Henry Padan; The Big Candy Wagon