Scanned page 148 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text about an "eccentric individual" named J.N. who periodically visited the city. People and places mentioned include: Lower Mill; Orville Grant's Buckeye Tannery; Cole'd Basin; DeLoss Larkins; Gilbert's Ice house; Mat Reider; Al Holt; Conrad Neil; "Chip" Young; Sam Maklem; Fire Engine horses; Louis Levi's Meat Market; Nathan Herzog; Ed Sweet; Reed and Curtice, druggists; W. F. Clarke; Higgins House; David Drug Co; Uri White's Livery Stable; A. Steinkamp & Co.; A. D. Miller; McQuire's Unrivaled Baking Powder; Dan Spry; Jas. Stephenson; St. Lawrence; C. D. Elden; Andrew O'Neill; Jacob Giat; A.C. Sells; John Eisman; Chas. Ludgate; Taylor House; Wm. Pendergast; W. F. Stricklet; John Tillow; John Herder.
Scanned page 149 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text about an "eccentric individual" named J.N. who periodically visited the city. People and places mentioned include: Fred Renchauhaus; Dr. McCorney; John Bolton; M. & C. locomotive; Santa Lewis; Val Reinhart; A. Knittel; Wayne Stevens; Chit Conway; Fred Zehner.
Below: Black & white photo of Kinney Funk.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of the Inter State T. & S. Co buggy and a printed copy of "Kiss Me, Kiss Me Again."
Scanned page 150 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text discussing R. L. "Dick" Pritchard of Ironton who considered himself to be the owner of the Ohio River.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of eight men at Chas. R. Brunner's Wedding. Various clippings from the newspaper regarding businesses: Boston Cheap Store, Spry's Corner; Frank L. Reed, Hats and Shoes; Mrs. H. P. Yaeger's Cheap Store.
Scanned page 151 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing printed text discussing R. L. "Dick" Pritchard of Ironton who considered himself to be the owner of the Ohio River.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of the St. Lawrence and Potomac steamboats; clipped advertisements for John Wilhelm, Family Groceries; Thos. P. Brown, wholesale grocer; H. Burke, Groceries; Micklethwait & Co. Groceries; J. P. Wilhelm, Saddles, Harness and Whips.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a newspaper clipping from the Daily Tribune regarding Rev. Dr. Burr preaching at the new Episcopal Church, citizens cleaning up the city, and Workmen laying the foundation for the new Methodist Episcopal Church on Fifth (5th) Street. Black & white images of Lou W. Terry; S. B. Droullard; Jesse Young; John. J. Glidden; Cyrus G. Powers; David Elick; and Uriah McCloud. Clippings of advertisements for Towell & M'Farland, Dry Goods and Notions; Reed & Peebles Dry Goods; Mrs. H. P. Yaeger's Cheap Store.
Scanned page 153 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a banner made for the Vienna Camp Sons of Union Veterans; the discovery of the original flag pole raised in Scioto County which displayed the flag to honor Abraham Lincoln's nomination.
Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images of The Glockner-Lange Families at Camp Arion and and R. C. Baddock, W. A. Harper and wife with a second unidentified female. A newspaper clipping attributed to Hazel Drew, a six-year-old describing his younger brother.