Colorized image of the lakeside in Millbrook Park. Levi York began developing Millbrook Park in 1899. It covered over 85 acres. Greatly damaged by the flood, it was totally dismantled by 1935.
Colorized image of the lake. Levi York began developing Millbrook Park in 1899. It covered over 85 acres. Greatly damaged by the flood, it was totally dismantled by 1935.
scan of black and white photo of the view from the Ferris Wheel at the Lucasville fairgrounds. Pictured is a swinging ride and fair buildings and restaurants, including one for the Lucasville/Valley Methodist Church.
Scanned page 153 from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing a typed text account of a banner made for the Vienna Camp Sons of Union Veterans; the discovery of the original flag pole raised in Scioto County which displayed the flag to honor Abraham Lincoln's nomination.
Black and white photo of (L-R) Victoria Mineer Lowe (grandmother) and Gertrude Mineer (great aunt). Taken no 2821 Sunrise Avenue at home of Harold, Bonnie, and Doug Lowe.