Scioto County Public Library Blog

Computer Source

Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full text for nearly 300 publications, covering topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems,...


ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index....

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

For students and adults alike, the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database indexes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics. Full text for each record may be easily accessed by double clicking on...

Books, Art and Literature

Resources include encyclopedic content, e-books, multimedia, a vast collection of primary source documents, and a wealth of research tools that allow students to customize and save their work.

Business and Government

Find full text for articles from over 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States, from EBSCOhost. Links to other Ohio government websites are listed as well.

Employment Resources

Comprehensive, interactive online learning platform of practice tests and tutorial courses designed to help students and adult learners succeed on the academic and licensing tests.


A collection of databases and resources to assist you with genealogy research. The databases listed here have an emphasis on subjects from Ohio.

History and Biography

A collection of databases used for historic research. Search biographies, obituaries, images, historic insurance maps, newspaper articles and more.

Newspapers and Magazines

Cover-to-cover full text for 20 national (U.S.) & international newspapers and selected full text for more than 230 regional (U.S.) newspapers, plus TV and radio news transcripts – updated daily.

Readers’ Advisory

We’re here to help you find great books! Novelist is the premiere database of reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world.