black & white photo image of the Norfolk & Western Railway Station in Portsmouth. Postcard also states "Portsmouth, O Population 50,000." The terminal was located at Seventeenth (17th) and Findlay Streets. It was used for passenger trains until 1971 when they were discontinued but still housed the division offices. The building was demolished in 2004, and the Scioto County Jail is now in a structure made to look similar to the old station.
Colorized image of the second Portsmouth engine Company located on Gallia Street. The first building was located at the southwest corner of Third (3rd) and Jefferson Streets.
colorized image of a gentleman dressed in suit. Face covered in bandages. Stock postcard that was issued and stamped in different cities including Chicago. Possibly in reference to the Garment Workers Strike of 1910.
5 black and white photo images of various nature scenes at the "Kiwanis" Girl Scout Camp. The top center photo is of the Club House. This Girl Scout Camp was constructed by the Kiwanis Club and was located on Tremper's Farm on Pond Creek in West Portsmouth, Ohio. The camp opened on July 2, 1923 to excited Girl Scouts all over the county. It was built to accommodate around twenty five girls at one time.
Black and white photo image of the steamboat The Cincinnati. From the Portsmouth Daily Times, Monday April 7, 1924: "New Steamer Cincinnati Makes Trip From Pittsburgh to Queen City in 40 Hours. The Ohio river Steamer Cincinnati broke previous river records in her trip from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, arriving here today. The boat made the trip in forty hours and averaged 20 miles an hour. The best previous time was a little more than 48 hours. The Cincinnati passed down here Sunday evening at 10 o'clock."