Black and white photo negative of the 1918-1919 Portsmouth High School (PHS) basketball team. Names given, but in no order: Coach Robert Hess, Business Manager Richard Anderson, Captain Guy Edwards, Fred Multer, Howard Moritz', Richard Hopkins, George Staten, Noble Lett, Henry Gordon, and Benson Ogier.
Black and white photo negative of the 1918 Portsmouth High School (PHS) Football Team. Names given, but in no order: Coach Robert Hess, Captain Noble Lett, Thomas Williams, Edward Cunliffe, Fred Multer, Richard Anderson, George Staten, Jaconsian Creasy, Howard Moritz, George Locke, Richard Hopkins, Richard Stretmatter, Carl Morton, Ray Grimes, Business Manager Seymour Bein, and Yell Leader Oscar Sampson.
Black and white photo negative of the Portsmouth High School football team, in front of the Old High School at the corner of Gallia and Findlay Streets. It was built in 1871 and used for about thirty years until the School Board sold it in 1903.
Black and white photo negative of the 1961 Portsmouth High School (PHS) basketball team. Kneeling, L-R: Manager Larry Bailey, Manager Bob Anderson, Jim Malone, Dick Spencer, Jim Fuller, Corky Burgess, and Bill Parker. Standing, L-R: Assistant Coach Harry Weinbrecht, Steve Robinson, Dozier Carter, C.A. Hartley, Rudy Shively, Mike Haley, Jim Nagel, and Coach George Heller.
Black and white photo from a negative of Portsmouth High School students receiving top honors at the Trojan Boosters Club award dinner. Seated, L-R: Melissa Hartley, Connie Burns, and Connie Caudill. Standing, L-R: Larry Ford and Richard Munyon.